Fish123Fish's Juwel Rio 125 Marine Reef

First day back from Reading fest and it was amazing! The weather did hold out thanks Seffie :)

Just been setting up my skimmer and I have run into a few problems: its making a horrible noise and is not really skimming :/

Anyone have one of these and sort of tell me what to expect? I m 'bleeding' it at the moment.

Also got myself a fighting conch :) he looks so cool :)
Oh thank you Seffie :)

Yeah they are really odd, almost prehistoric with their foot. They're so fun to watch. He is really turning over the sand. I think I will get a pair of clowns this week :)
Look forward to seeing them - dont forget to add them to the fish of the week - clowns thread :good:

Seffie x
pics pics pics wheres the pics!!! :good:

I want a conch would love to see a pic of that
Will do Seffie :) and Simon I will try to get some of him! He is a lovely guy I :good: getting one, they are really weird looking creatures. Mines a fighting conch and I have been hit by his foot :lol: which hurt a tad!

They are not that expensive mine was £10.

My next purchase will be a pair of cleaner shrimp. I have decided to hold off the clowns for a week or so just to let my tank mature for a bit longer. They also only have wild caught so I will have to get them to order some TB ones for me :)
Last weekend I bought a pair of skunk clownfish and they are amazing. The first proper life in my aquarium and they are all over the place unlike what I was expecting when they would just sit in one place the whole time. Anyway well pleased! Should be getting a goby next week :)

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