Fish123Fish's Juwel Rio 125 Marine Reef


Dont do anything, put your hands in your pockets and wait :p

I think you have had a very small mini cycle and probably will not have to do a water change at all :good: the only reason we change the water is if the water stats tell us we need to or it is part of our weekly routine :good: At the moment your stats are telling me and you to wait...........

I expect your results to look something like this tomorrow:

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10 ish

lets see what happens, ok?

Seffie x
Haha I think I'll need tying up to something to stop me... :whistle:

Okay Seffie, lets see if your right! I'll do a test now :)
your fine for some cuc :good:
but wait a bit. just in case. if its the same for a few days then you can get your cuc.
What does all this mean? :lol:

Ok, what these stats tell me:

Ammonia has been turned into and used up by the nitrites and the nitrites have been used by the Nitrate.

  • Do your 'first' weekly water change, you do not need to do a large water change as you have only had a mini cycle :good:
  • Buy a phosphate kit and start to test
  • After 24 hours of your 'first' water change post the stats - if they are <10 go and buy the first part of your
cuc :kana:

Will do my water change tonight as I'am not at home right now! Should I just do a 20% change?

And test on thursday :)


1 Conch
5 Cerith snails
5 Nassarius snails
4 Turbo snails
5 Hermit crabs

I also have a lot of hair algae comming on the tops of myu rocks. What would be good for getting rid of it as I have heard its pain to get rid of when its established.
Yes do a 20% water change, if it were me I would take the rock with the hair algae out, whilst I could and pull off the hair algae and give the area a little scrub (dont scrub all the rock)

Seffie x


five hermits are too many, just get a couple to start with and leave the conch to later :good:
i started with four small hermits :good: i think it would of been better to get 3 :good:
Ok, just done the rock. It looks a bit better but I can see little bits that I missed. so will have to wait a bit for when it gets visable out of water.

5 Cerith snails
5 Nassarius snails
4 Turbo snails
3 Hermit crabs

Is this a bit better? ^

I shall do my WC as soon as I have written this. :)

Are there any 'different' possibilities for CUC options? I am a massive fan of crabs. But I have to wait a bit longer don't I?

Any thoughts about that snail?


Nat Tarbox - Copyright.

It does look similar to this ^
Spend the time researching crabs, there are a lot of cool ones out there

And dont forget the humble tuxedo urchin, lovely creatures

Seffie x

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