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  1. M

    Fish Not Eating

    i dont think it is bullying but i will check to night as none of the fish seem to have torn fins or missing fins or any physical signs of bullying. And im not that worried about the bristlenoses because their new and they do seem to be munching on the wood and algae in my tank. The main fish im...
  2. M

    Fish Not Eating

    well as the name says a couple of my fish are not eating. I have a 130liter tank with 2 silver sharks 2 opaline gouramis 2 golden gouramis and 2 new bristlenose catfish. I cot the cats of saturday and they seem to wim around and munch on the algae but today i put a couple of algae wafers in and...
  3. M

    Flying Fox

    hias the title say im looking to get some algae eaters as i have algae growing in my tank. The guy at the LFS pointed out flying foxs i have read some info and some says they are bad and should be avoided while some sy they are great and reccommend them. In your opinion or from personal...
  4. M

    First Fish Death

    Bad news guys. I suppose youll all think of me as Maxamus the fish killer because the second angelfish died thismorning. About the silver sharks i have an aquarium that said they will gladly take the silver sharks off my hands when they get to big for my tank. anyway if you have any help...
  5. M

    First Fish Death

    THE ANGELS ARE SMALLER THAN THE OTHER FISH but i saw no forms of bullying before it died. Also its fins havent been nipped
  6. M

    First Fish Death

    ok just measured my levelsthey are Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Ph: around 7.4 Nitrates: 20
  7. M

    First Fish Death

    ok just measured my levelsthey are Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Ph: around 7.4 Nitrates: 20
  8. M

    First Fish Death

    ok ive had my fish for about 1week today. I have done my fishless cycle. On the weekend (saturday) ]i bought to new angel fish to go with the 2 silver sharks, 2 opaline gouramis and 2 golden gouranis i already had. for the last 2 days i havent seen one of the angelfish and today when i got home...
  9. M

    First Fish Death

    ok ive had my fish for about 1week today. I have done my fishless cycle. On the weekend (saturday) ]i bought to new angel fish to go with the 2 silver sharks, 2 opaline gouramis and 2 golden gouranis i already had. for the last 2 days i havent seen one of the angelfish and today when i got home...
  10. M

    Good Fish Combos

    ok ive done my fishless cycle and now i have 6fish they are: *2 opaline Gouramis *2 golden gouramis *2 Silver sharks in a couple of weeks i wish to get 4 dwarf gouramis and maybe 2 bristlenose catfish Would this be a good combination for a 130 liter tank (yes i know the sharks will get to big...
  11. M

    Cycling Question

    hi im nearly finished on my cycle i think. In my last post i thought my cycle had stalled but then overnite my nitrites reached zero. Ok is my cycle done yet? or do my nitrites need to be changed to nitrates immediately? All help appreciated Maxamus
  12. M

    Cycle Maybe Gone Wrong?

    thanks mate i no about the water change its just getting a bit boring having this nice tank siting there in my room but with no fish or weed in there!!!
  13. M

    Cycle Maybe Gone Wrong?

    My ammonia dropped the day after i added it but didnt reach 0 until about a week after and about a week ago it was reaching 0 in less than 12hours Thanks for the assistance PS my parents tell me im patient
  14. M

    Cycle Maybe Gone Wrong?

    hi as the title says i am fishless cycling my tank and am exactly 3 weeks in. So far my ammonia is going from 4ppm to less than 0.05 in 12hours. However for about 1.5 weeks now my nitrites are off the chart. They will not lower and are reading over 5ppm. However my nitrates are rising last...
  15. M

    Rts And Gouramis

    ok thanks ill avoid those allgae eaters for the moment
  16. M

    Rts And Gouramis

    my tank is 28inches tall so its fine for angels and im confident ive found a good fish shop all their fish are healthy and they were the first ones that told me to do a fishless cycle. They also told me to join this forum as it is filled with great info. P.S the guy at the fish store...
  17. M

    Rts And Gouramis

    Hi i have a 130 litre tank that is about 2weeks into its cycle. Im researching the fish i want and just wanted to ask if a red tail black shark, 2opaline gouramis, 2 golden gouramis, 4 dwarve gouramis. Would these fish be all right. As well as this would i be able to add some angels or...
  18. M

    Fishless Cycle

    No my dad doesnt have a tank except for a small 5litre one and the product im usin is called " Bio Booster" It is made by Aqua Master and Aristo pet Ok i just tested and today: ammonia is reading: around 1.5ppm Nitrites are about 1ppm and Nitrates are about 5ppm
  19. M

    Fishless Cycle

    Hi ok i set up my tank 130 litre tank about 5 days ago with gravel and a rock. I have a light, heater, airpump and air stone and a Aqua Nova NCF 1500 external canister filter. Ok after i set it up (Don't Get Angry at me) but i added five of these fish we have in a smaller tank (My dad calls...
  20. M


    tetras although shops and some websites say is enough you would really want to keep a minimum of 6. my friend has some ytetras and they look amazing he keeps them in groups of 11.!!
  21. M

    Tropical Sharks

    yep look out for the red tail sharks they grow big and are agressive especially to their own kind. Remember buy them singly or in large groups!!!
  22. M

    My New Fish Tank

    wow wow wow mate stop and remember the inch per gallon rule. You are already stocked if not overstocked. And ive got a 130liter tank and my red tail will out grow that eventually. You need to do some more research man.
  23. M

    Quick Food Question

    i dont know much but in my experience (which is not much) ive found that most aquatic animals love bloodworms. Be careful not too feed to many though because they do make the water cloudy.
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    yeah i agree tetras are really nice and mostly active fish. Since youve got such a big tank i would consider going for the larger tetras like congo's they have beautiful colours and are fairly ative when kept in shoals. As for danios i love these guys they are cheap, hardy and pretty good...
  25. M

    Suggest Some Fish For A 20h?

    yeah hes pretty much got it right but you might want to watch the Angel fish they can be particularily fiesty at breeding time PS how big are your other fish
  26. M

    A Lethal Cocktail?

    well ive just gone looking for those other barbs and none of my local fish stores stock them? What should i do? I think maybe ill just get 6 or 7 of them and leave the moss green barbs.
  27. M

    A Lethal Cocktail?

    Ive just started measuring the levels of my tap water. Would a PH of 7.0 be fine for the suggested stock of fish? Thanks guys
  28. M

    A Lethal Cocktail?

    Ok guys thanks for all your help so far. Could i just replace the mossgreen barbs with an extra 5 tiger barbs and would tht stop hassling?
  29. M

    A Lethal Cocktail?

    ok thanks guys ill try and track down those barbs but 2 more questions 1)if i cant get any of those other barbs how many tigers will i need to get to stop bullying 2) I've searched around all my local shops and hardware but the only ammonia i can find is "Cloudy Ammonia" as the name states it is...
  30. M

    A Lethal Cocktail?

    okay guys im back. I've just gone to some of my LFS and they suggested a combination along the lines of 1x Red tail shark 5xTiger Barbs 5XMoss green barbs 6x Zebra Danios 1x Male swordtail 2x Female swordtail 1x Bristlenose Catfish Would this be a good combination? Thanks Guys
  31. M

    A Lethal Cocktail?

    i was thinkng of getting some neon blue dwarf gouramis. ok ill get rid of the rainbow fish. Do you guys reccomend any cool looking easy fish to take care of in their place (maybe a bristlenose catfish) and are there any barbs that are easy to get that wont nip the gouramis? In place of the...
  32. M

    A Lethal Cocktail?

    Hi im just starting my fishless cycle so ive started scoping out fish i want to get when its finished. The guy at the LFS said that maybe these would go good together: 2x Platies 1x Redtail shark 4-5x Tiger Barbs 4x assorted gouramis 1x Rainbowfish plus the usual snail and plants PS I have a...
  33. M

    Fish On Ebay?

    Dont no about u guys but here in Australia selling live animals of any type on ebay is ILLEGAL!!! :shout:
  34. M

    Happy Easter

    Cheers!!! To you guys and your fishies as well!!!
  35. M

    Question About Ammonia

    i am about to start my fishless cycle but i dont know what type of ammonia i need and where i can get it. I know this probably sounds like a noobish question. Is it just normal ammonia or is it special aquarium ammonia and wher can i get it. Thanks Maxamus
  36. M

    Reccomendations For A 130liter Tank

    im looking for a more active tank
  37. M

    Reccomendations For A 130liter Tank

    hi i just got a new 130liter tank with an Aqua Nova NCF-1500 external filter. I havent started my cycle yet cause that plus lights and tank are all ive got. (im getting gravel heater air pump etc tomorrow) Ive decided that i would like a community tank with Maybe some clown loaches,serpae...
  38. M

    Blue Lobsters

    Hi i used to have on b4 but now ive got tropicals and let me tall you they get huge i ended up giving mine away to a friend with a bigger tank because it was so big. But your right they do look great but remember let the buyer beware. You buy it make sure you are ready for it and your tank is...
  39. M

    Serpae And Neon Tetras, Zebra Danios

    ok bad idea what about neons. ill scrap the crap idea and i havent got anything yet im just getting an idea of what fish i like that are easy tolook after and look good. Dont worry i no not to add neons and cardinals until the tank is completely cycled and matured. PS would bleeding heart and...