Serpae And Neon Tetras, Zebra Danios


New Member
Feb 26, 2007
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Sydney Australia
Hey im just thinking about whether i could get 10serpae tetras 10 neon or cardinal tetras about 6zebra danios, 4platty's and maybe a freshwater crab
would the tetras go well together cause i saw a web site that said they wont and will the tetras go well with the danios.
how big to the freshwater crabs get and are they agressive.
Ive got a 90liter tank (27gallons) the mesuarements are 62cm in length (31inches) 39cm wide (20inches) and 45cm high (22inches)

All help apreciated
There are a couple problems. First, that's too many fish for a tank that size. General rule of thumb is 1" of adult fish per gallon. The tetras and danios will grow 1.5 to 2 inches (total of 40 to 60 inches) and the plattys will be between 2 and 2.5 inches (8 to 10 inches) That's over 50" of fish. Secondly, crabs and small fish don't go together. The fish will eventually be dinner for the crab. When the lights go out at night and the tank is dark, the fish will begin to disappear.
The Serpae Tetras and Zebra Danios will be too lively for the Cardinals. Cardinals like a nice, calm tank, and shouldn't be added until the tank is cycled AND matured, they're not the same thing. How long has the tank been running, and is it cycled?.
The Serpae Tetras and Zebra Danios will be too lively for the Cardinals. Cardinals like a nice, calm tank, and shouldn't be added until the tank is cycled AND matured, they're not the same thing. How long has the tank been running, and is it cycled?.
ok bad idea what about neons. ill scrap the crap idea and i havent got anything yet im just getting an idea of what fish i like that are easy tolook after and look good. Dont worry i no not to add neons and cardinals until the tank is completely cycled and matured.
PS would bleeding heart and neon tetras go well together

THANKS for your help so far
Not sure about Bleeding Heart Tetras, I've never kept them. The one thing you have to bear in mind with Neons is that (like Guppies) they've been bred and bred and aren't anywhere as hardy as they used to be. Ever thought of Pencilfish?.
I vote for zebra danios! :) They are great fish to watch, very energetic and will swim in all levels of the tank, they will also tolerate a wide range of water conditions(Good choice as a beginner with tropicals). They are best kept in groups, so 6 is a good number, less than that and they may choose 1 danio to pick on or become fin nippers out of bordom. Mine have lots of personality and will even eat out of my hand. :wub:

As far as tetras go, I think (anyone feel free to correct me) most will get along fine with each other(as long as you have about 6 of each). So you could have schools of a couple of different types. Neons are very tempramental and are known to die at the drop of a hat, i think cardinals are only slightly hardier. So i would not recommend either unless the tank is well established.

I have had a lot of success with white skirt tetras, in my experience they are hardy and can adapt to a range of conditions. Rummy nose tetras are a great schooling fish and add some colour.
But i think bleeding hearts or serpae tetras would be fine as long as you keep them in groups of 5/6 or more of each, and keep the inch per gallon rule in mind. :)

Sorry, but I agree about the crab, :sad: anything on the bottom of the tank will be food and that includes sleeping fish.

P.S. Have you thought about cories? They are sooo cute :wub: and they have great personalities too.

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