Fishless Cycle


New Member
Feb 26, 2007
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Sydney Australia
Hi ok i set up my tank 130 litre tank about 5 days ago with gravel and a rock. I have a light, heater, airpump and air stone and a Aqua Nova NCF 1500 external canister filter. Ok after i set it up (Don't Get Angry at me) but i added five of these fish we have in a smaller tank (My dad calls them mosquito fish). I added some product that is supposed to add beneficial bacteria to the tank and of course de chlorinator.

Ok when i got home from school the day after i added the fish my dad said two were dead and one was missing. When he told me this i took the other 2 fish out and put them back in their old tank where they are fine now. That left one missing one that i still cant find. Anyway now that there were no fish in i decided to add my ammonia and start the cycle.( i raised water temp to 29 degress C) and added enough ammonia to raise my level to 6ppm.

That was yesterday to day when i came home from school i tested ammonia and now it is only reading 2ppm.
Is this wierd that my ammonia has dropped so fast or is it normal? all the web pages i read are indicating that it is too fast

Sorry about long post

PS I am using the add and wait method from this forum and am using an API master freshwater testkit and my heater is 150watts and i have 4light tubes.
what product was it you used for beneficial bacteria, there's a lot of debate over how good they are but it seems some of them are ok. bactinettes in the UK and bio spira in the usa both get good reports.

it's possible the bacteria has helped, it's also possible that having the fish in for a few days kick started the cycle a bit.

however if your dad has a tank (and you are confident it's well maintained and healthy) if you take some of the filter media from his filter and put it in yours it'll be cycled in no time.
what product was it you used for beneficial bacteria, there's a lot of debate over how good they are but it seems some of them are ok. bactinettes in the UK and bio spira in the usa both get good reports.

it's possible the bacteria has helped, it's also possible that having the fish in for a few days kick started the cycle a bit.

however if your dad has a tank (and you are confident it's well maintained and healthy) if you take some of the filter media from his filter and put it in yours it'll be cycled in no time.

No my dad doesnt have a tank except for a small 5litre one and the product im usin is called " Bio Booster" It is made by Aqua Master and Aristo pet

Ok i just tested and today:
ammonia is reading: around 1.5ppm
Nitrites are about 1ppm
and Nitrates are about 5ppm
That was yesterday to day when i came home from school i tested ammonia and now it is only reading 2ppm.
Is this wierd that my ammonia has dropped so fast or is it normal? all the web pages i read are indicating that it is too fast
I don't think that there is anything wrong with it dropping that fast,but, however there could be something wrong.
It could be that the product worked. I've never heard of that one but could be a good product. The fact that you have nitrite and nitrate would seem to indicate that the tank is cycling unless those amounts are from your tap water. Have you tested your tap water to see what th levels of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate are?
It could be that the product worked. I've never heard of that one but could be a good product. The fact that you have nitrite and nitrate would seem to indicate that the tank is cycling unless those amounts are from your tap water. Have you tested your tap water to see what th levels of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate are?

yeah i agree, your other levels indicate that it is cycling so perhaps we can add bio booster to our list of cycling products that just might work!
post of the week right there!
You shouldn't make fun of other people on this forum but it is okay to do so.
What does this mean?

I thought people would reply with more "you can't do this but you can" things, or "you are not wrong, but not correct", or "you should change some water but don't replace any" but nobody did.

We were just having a little fun with you saying there is no problem but there might be a problem.
post of the week right there!
You shouldn't make fun of other people on this forum but it is okay to do so.
What does this mean?

I thought people would reply with more "you can't do this but you can" things, or "you are not wrong, but not correct", or "you should change some water but don't replace any" but nobody did.

We were just having a little fun with you saying there is no problem but there might be a problem.

I wouldn't worry about it, he/she pm'd me asking me what it meant so i told him/her. He/she has now blocked me as apparently what i post is RUBISH (yes spelt like that lol) and CRAP. pot kettle black hmmmmmmmm lol

eta - and then thanked me 2 mintues later in a different thread for advice!! pmsl

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