

New Member
Apr 9, 2007
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i got a 75 gallon tank. i bought a rts from the lfs and it is in there w/ a plec. im goin back in a few days to get a group of corys. any active fish that would make good tankmates ? o and b4 u ask i did a fishless cycle and its all great
cheap .. sounds like my kinda fish .. ill look at them
I second danios... platies also. And angels and gouramis are good choices too; they're not as active as danios, but pretty friendly and always out and about.
tiger barbs would probably work, and theyre very active. a lot of tetras are active too and like to be in shoals. maybe like a head and tail light or lemon or something
Since you've got such a good sized tank, you might want to look at giant danios rather than the ordinary zebras, not that the zebras aren't nice too, I've just always wanted the space for giants myself. :drool:
yeah i agree tetras are really nice and mostly active fish. Since youve got such a big tank i would consider going for the larger tetras like congo's they have beautiful colours and are fairly ative when kept in shoals. As for danios i love these guys they are cheap, hardy and pretty good looking. Gouramis- I absolutely love these guys especially the dwarf version
still doin a little research ill let yall no wat i get tomorow
i went out o my pond and caught about 12 minnows and put em in there and checked until amonia and nitrate were 0

i bought 3 albino corys 3 brillant rasbora and 3 black tetras the tetras r nipp towards eachother will they be this way until they establish a peckin order or do i need to buy more of them ?
tetras although shops and some websites say is enough you would really want to keep a minimum of 6. my friend has some ytetras and they look amazing he keeps them in groups of 11.!!
ok sometime this week im goin back to the lfs and gettin 3 more black tetras and 2 more corys. id also like to get 1 male and 2 female dwarf gouramis would this work ? if u dont think so wat other options would i have

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