Quick Food Question


New Member
Apr 12, 2007
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Ok, i have two german blue cichlids in my tank and they dont seem to be liking the flake food i give them, is it ok to give them dried bloodworms? i cant have the real things in my house because my parents will go berserk! lol. any advice?
i dont know much but in my experience (which is not much) ive found that most aquatic animals love bloodworms. Be careful not too feed to many though because they do make the water cloudy.
I have tried dried bloodworms quite some time ago now, and my fish didn't take to them atall. They much prefer the frozen cubes.

Also, you may like to know there is a new thing on the market made by Tetra called Fresh Delica. It is bloodworms in a vitamin enriched jelly, in a sachet that you open with scissors. Then simply squeeze the contents out and feed. They go down really well in my tank. I also have brine shrimp and daphnia in the same format, and all of them are guzzled up with great relish.
yeh if i was you i would use frozen blood worms they more juicy and filled wil more neutrients or try some food which aint flakes it like little pellets i carnt remeber the name of it but it has the word cichlid food on it any way plus go to the cichlid part of the site and ask them if we dont help much.

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