A Lethal Cocktail?

Ok guys thanks for all your help so far. Could i just replace the mossgreen barbs with an extra 5 tiger barbs and would tht stop hassling?
Ive just started measuring the levels of my tap water. Would a PH of 7.0 be fine for the suggested stock of fish?

Thanks guys
A pH of seven is perfect. The combination of fish though I am kind of iffy about though. I would stick with semi-agressive or community and not mix them. If you keep them seperate you have a less chance of stressing your fish out.
I can't help feeling uneasy about ten Tiger Barbs in a 130 litre - or mixing them with any fish in that size of tank; they're VERY active fish. To mix them with other fish that aren't as active seems like storing up trouble. Please consider Pentazona Barbs as an alternative.
I can't help feeling uneasy about ten Tiger Barbs in a 130 litre - or mixing them with any fish in that size of tank; they're VERY active fish. To mix them with other fish that aren't as active seems like storing up trouble. Please consider Pentazona Barbs as an alternative.

i just plain don't understand why someone would want to take up so much of they're stocking with tiger barbs!!!

working on the " per gallon 'rule' (yes i know it's not infallible blah blah blah but just as a guideline)

you can have 35" of fish in that tank, ten tiger barbs would take up about 20" of that if not more. roughly 2 thirds of your total stocking on a not very attractive nasty bugger of a fish, must be mad! :rolleyes:
well ive just gone looking for those other barbs and none of my local fish stores stock them? What should i do? I think maybe ill just get 6 or 7 of them and leave the moss green barbs.

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