Rts And Gouramis


New Member
Feb 26, 2007
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Sydney Australia
Hi i have a 130 litre tank that is about 2weeks into its cycle. Im researching the fish i want and just wanted to ask if a red tail black shark, 2opaline gouramis, 2 golden gouramis, 4 dwarve gouramis. Would these fish be all right. As well as this would i be able to add some angels or liverbearers like mollys?
Thanks all help appreciated
I keep an angel fish with a blue and a gold gourami and a RTBS. They dont affect each other at all. I do know that the angel fish should be about the same size as the gouramis though, you dont want a small angel and large three spots.

Not sure about dwarf gouramis and mollies though...
with the RTBS you need to make sure it has plenty of room on the floor of the tank, best to keep it with no other bottom dwellers or fish of a similar size/shape.

the angels need a tank at least 18" tall so check your tank dimensions.

dont get DG's they're riddled with diseases and finding good healthy stock is nigh on impossible so best to keep to 'normal' gourmai's

with the RTBS and 4 regular sized gourami's you still have some room to play with so can have a couple of mollies or livebearers if you like
my tank is 28inches tall so its fine for angels and im confident ive found a good fish shop all their fish are healthy and they were the first ones that told me to do a fishless cycle. They also told me to join this forum as it is filled with great info.

P.S the guy at the fish store reccomended i get some algae eaters. He showed me these two types one was a bristlenose and one he called a "sucking catfish" what are sucking catfishes and would either of these fish go with my ideas for stocking
my tank is 28inches tall so its fine for angels and im confident ive found a good fish shop all their fish are healthy and they were the first ones that told me to do a fishless cycle. They also told me to join this forum as it is filled with great info.

P.S the guy at the fish store reccomended i get some algae eaters. He showed me these two types one was a bristlenose and one he called a "sucking catfish" what are sucking catfishes and would either of these fish go with my ideas for stocking

good stuff :good:

hmmm sucking catfish could be one of many things really, need a pic or detailed description to ID it. Probably an otto, CAE or SAE

it's not essential that you have any algae eater and RTBS can be territorial with other bottom feeders so it's best to just get the RTBS if you really want one.

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