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  1. W


    I have geophagus altifrons :nod: they are about 3" maybe smaller. I want to get about 5 clowns in a 5ft tank
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    clown loach

    I am keen on getting some clowns for my cichlids as well but little hesitant on if they are compatible.
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    Just curious to know whether its possible to mix geophagus and clown loaches Could anyone see any problems arising Thanks in advance. :P
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    wittle oscar

    I would suggest you go with the less aggressive cichlids you wouldnt want any bulls in the tank! stick with severums or acaras or maybe a school of Silver Dollars If i had the chance to have my oscar small again i would have got some SD with him but mine is a little large now and would think of...
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    Ok this is getting rediculous

    get a pictus catfish they would like a little convict snack!
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    Severum's what to put with them

    How do you sex Severum? from a juvenile?
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    Message for 'Wilsta'

    :crazy: I realy dont know what to say eelzor... If i had a large enough tank then maybe i just dont think the 4' x 2' x 2' would be big enough (in the long run)... even though this will be the largest sized tank i will be getting. I had a serious think about setting up an oscar tank or going...
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    Message for 'Wilsta'

    Hey eelzor, woohoo!! no i havent seen freshwater flounders i only know of the salt water variety. flounders are very unusual fish?!?! sure you want them. Those links are pretty good. makes me want to get em too! but the rapid growth rate worries me.
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    Message for 'Wilsta'

    temperature between 20 - 30 degrees but its summer (in aus) so you probably wont need one til feb/march
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    Top Level Fish?

    i wouldnt go past Zebra Danio action pack fish...
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    compatibility between pictus cat and teras?

    lets just put it this way, pictus catfish are predators, they swim and prey on little tetras (see those long whiskers they use these to hunt) the pictus catfish is ready to pounce. and its even worse during the night... the truth is that if you want to own a pictus cat make sure there are no...
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    Message for 'Wilsta'

    cool eelzor... let us know how things go if you get em... this weekend.
  13. W

    Message for 'Wilsta'

    lfs in sydney i saw a Salmontail Catfish approx 10" in size for $30AUD so its no doubt about it they do get big.. i also saw 4" ones for $10AUD or so....
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    Tropical fish MEDS

    never used any medicine is that an option in your poll
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    Khuli loachs

    I used to have them becareful they are escape artists get into filters etc. they dig under the gravel... and poke there head out when they smell food. very interesting fish and always keeps your tank that extra excitment.
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    Message for 'Wilsta'

    Well the ones that i happen to see were grey in colour slightly shiney but not much. Do they vary in colours?
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    Message for 'Wilsta'

    Yeh i probably will i should have asked the guy at the lfs a bit about them just to see if he knows any more information about them.... but i think 1 or 2 would be good. what size tank are you going to get for them
  18. W

    Message for 'Wilsta'

    Eelzor, salmontail Catfish i saw them in a tank with some small oscars which didnt mind the company, which is good... the catfish were about 5 inches in length and costs about $13 or so....
  19. W

    Hi everybody!

    Hey Cory Keeper :hi: to the land of the fishes
  20. W

    Message for 'Wilsta'

    oh really 12" isnt to bad i guess much different than 31" :look: how do i make sure they dont get too big? underfeed them? :blink: i think i will be doing a lot of ummming and arrrrghing hehe
  21. W

    Message for 'Wilsta'

    Eelzor I have done some research and seeing that these Salmontail catfish reach 31" in size its probably best not to keep them in a 48" x 24" x 24"... as much as i am interested in these guys if i was getting a swimming pool then maybe... but i am thinking of some other sort of catfish type...
  22. W

    What else can I have in my tank

    pictus catfish prey on small fish. so stay clear of tetras I would have suggested some rummy nose tetras but seeing you have the pictus i wouldnt recommend it. yeah rainbows would be quite nice addition. how bout black ruby barbs they are quite attractive in mating season why not check them...
  23. W

    Message for 'Wilsta'

    What sort of filtration would you suggest i get? I am thinking vacuum cleaner! :nod: are the Salmontail Catfish algae cleaners? or do you suggest a pleco is maybe an other option? I am really indecsive atm Losi thanks for the advice I would add all the fish in at the same time so they can...
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    would oscars eat gold mystery snails?

    just curious to know seeing they eat everything else
  25. W

    Message for 'Wilsta'

    hey eelzor are this fish at all messy? do you know much about there personality I still curious to know how my oscar will react :look: he has never been in the company of other fish other than oscars or infact one oscar. so experiemental it will have to be.. if he doesnt like company tough titties!
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    Message for 'Wilsta'

    hmmm they are quite HUGE! hehe these arent closely related to salmontail catfish are they?? :thumbs: i may get two salmon catfish you have slightly twisted my arm without the twisting part hehe but first off all, get the tank, move the tank, build a stand for the tank, set up the tank...
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    Message for 'Wilsta'

    I am from Sydney :clap: good that we have the whole continent covered well almost! :cool: $8 is pretty reasonable price for 3" I would probably have to get atleast 4/5 inches maybe a little bigger cause my oscar is pretty moody! :crazy:
  28. W

    Message for 'Wilsta'

    how much have you seen these catfish for? Okay you have your evidence (the picture), court dismissed! nice gourami.. how on earth do they ever get that big, will never know... where abouts in aus are u from eelzor?
  29. W

    Message for 'Wilsta'

    Eelzor, would you know if the salmontail Cat is a shoaling fish... you have me very curious now about these fish... how on earth are you going to fit 4 in a 20gal tank? what are you gonna do when they are all squashed up against the glass hehehe :P I have another question for you have you...
  30. W

    Message for 'Wilsta'

    do you think the oscar would peck at there long whiskers??? pleco's seem boring to me i think the salmoncatfish you have mentioned are pretty active... but i will speak to someone who is in the business and lets me know for sure if they are a good tank mate for an oscar... there are so many...
  31. W

    Message for 'Wilsta'

    Thanks Eelzor but they grow absolutely huge 80cm!!!! :crazy: I dont know how much you know about these guys, but do you know if they grow slowly? I think i may have to do some research on them before i make any more decisions. but they look pretty interesting and arent too expensive either...
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    Setting up a 3ft community tank

    I was at the lfs last sunday and found out that zebra loaches aka (tiger botia) are $135 each, apparently they are extremely rare in australia so therefore.... zebra loaches are scratched from my list.... damn :unsure:
  33. W

    Message for 'Wilsta'

    Thanks Losi for the information, I am still very keen to setup an Oscar tank but it all depends on what size tank it is... I am still waiting on a friend of mine to get a suitable size tank cause he knows someone personally who builds them apparently? but the problem however is that i live in an...
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    Oscar tankmates?

    The tank will be a 4ft x 2ft x 2ft not quite sure what the dimensions will be in gallons. thats quite a largish tank for just one fish I think i am going to get 1 Firemouth, 1 Blue Acara and 1 Gold Severum with my oscar see how it goes.... if there is much aggressiveness shown then i will...
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    Kuhli loaches

    The Kuhli loach is carnivorous so its a possiblility that he may eat snails most loaches eat snails. little ones of course
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    Siamese Fighting fish Q

    i dont see why not, i used to have siamese fighters in a community setup and they enjoyed it.. so go ahead put the little fighter in the tank... he will enjoy the extra space to swim around... but if you do have a problem put him back in the cup. :sad:
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    New Tank

    to be honest that tank isnt big enough for all those fish especially a full grown tiger oscar... he basically needs a 75g all on his own you work out the maths...
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    What should I name my new Girl Betta?

    call it "fishina"
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    Hope I didn't make a mistake

    I suggest you go here for information about your yoyo loaches
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    Setting up a 3ft community tank

    do you think my two female siamese fighters will go well with the rest of these fish see above? I am just curious to know if anyone has had troubles with keeping any of these fish above except for the Tiger barbs/RTBS because i have kept these before The tank will be 48" x 18" x 18" it will...