What else can I have in my tank


Fish Crazy
Mar 5, 2003
Reaction score
Welshman exiled to Scotland
Does anyone have any suggestions for what I can put in my Tank? It's a 300l (I think) 48x18x21. I am wanting to keep with cichlids (thats why Im posting here).

Ok so heres my current stock,

2xAngels 3 & 4"
2xDiscus 2 & 2.5"
2xBolivian Ram 1"
1x Black Widow Tetra 1"
3x guppys 1/2"
2x Pim pictus 3"
1x cory 1 1/2"
1x Leopard Plec 5-6"

I quite fancy a shoal of something, maybe rainbows.
pictus catfish prey on small fish.

so stay clear of tetras I would have suggested some rummy nose tetras but seeing you have the pictus i wouldnt recommend it.
yeah rainbows would be quite nice addition.

how bout black ruby barbs they are quite attractive in mating season why not check them out.
Thanks for replying Wilsta, I wouldn't say my pims kill small fish, Ive had small guppys for a while and the're fine!

I thought Rainbows would be a good idea, but I just think they are way over priced at £5.99 a piece :crazy:

Ill have to find a pic of black ruby barbs, aren't barbs a little aggresive? I don't want any fin nippers in my tank :no: :D
Those rainbows are not really overpriced - they are not cheapo fish. They would make a great addition though.

I don't know about ruby barbs, but I agree with your view in fin nipping with angels, and barbs are known for that.

What about hatchets? Those are unique and compatable.
I would say get some more cories because they are a lot happier in small schools. :thumbs:

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