Siamese Fighting fish Q


New Member
Aug 17, 2003
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I was wondering if it is okay to put a male siamese fish in a community tank of non-agressive fish? Its a georgeous fish and I think it can add a lot of character to my tank, plus i hate seeing them in that tiny little bowl they keep em in.

I have:
4 Zebra danios
1 Angel Fish
1 male swordtale 1 female
1 male platy 2 female
2 Painted Tetras
1 weather loach
1 algea eater

40 G tank
the angels and the tetras will nip his finnage, I think he'd prefer the cup :crazy:

Try setting up a small 2 gallon tank and keeping him solo, sure that defeats the purpose of adding character to your tank but he'll be happier in the long run ;)
i dont see why not, i used to have siamese fighters in a community setup and they enjoyed it.. so go ahead put the little fighter in the tank... he will enjoy the extra space to swim around... but if you do have a problem put him back in the cup. :sad: said angels/bettas = not a good idea
I agree that it's best to keep bettas in a larger tank, but not with angel fish who tend to be fin nippers. :eek:

There are, however, many fish who can get along nicely with bettas and if you will be setting up another tank, in the future, you might keep this in mind. :D
We tried adding a Siamese Fighter to our community tank last week (with Black Widow Tetras, Dalmation Molly and Albino Catfish) and unfortunatley he died within 24 hours.

He just didn't seem to like the company of the other fish and he kept hiding away. When the other fish went anywhere near him, he got scared and darted to a corner - now that I've read your experiences, perhaps they were nipping??

When we got up in the morning he was dead - scared to himself to death I think. We were really disappointed as he looked a wonderful fish with lots of character and we don't like distressing fishies! Or killing them for that matter!

I would say, in our experience, don't put one in a community tank unless you can find one that has already been in a community tank in the shop that seems happy. We couldn't find any so added two Angel Fish instead - they are lovely!
I just bought a betta (siamese fighter) last night. I put him in my 20 gallon and he does great!!! :thumbs: He isn't scared of any of the other fish the other fish are a bit scared of him. (except for the gouramis) I will say this..... the betta does chase the goramis around a bit and they chase back. It's nothing serious at all though. But then again the only fish that we both have are swordtails and danios. So I dunno about the rest.

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