Kuhli loaches

The Kuhli loach is carnivorous so its a possiblility that he may eat snails most loaches eat snails. little ones of course
I am not sure what my Kuhlii eats. All I feed my fish is flakes, bloodworms, and shrimp pelets. I haven't actually seen him eat anything. But after four months, he's still doing well(knock on wood). So he must like some of it. :)

I have never seen kuhliis eating snails. But well, there's always a possibility that they might :)

But I think that they have too soft and tender mouth for eating snails.
I'm quite worried about my kuhlis. They never seem to get any food and they stopped being crazy (swimming about really high up at night). During the day they are motionless. How do i stop the stupid platys eating their food?
Give the platys their food and then put in some sinking food for the kuhlis like shrimp pellets.

Yes!!!!!!!!!! I found a place that sells Kuhlis. I think i'm gonna call my new 29 the loach/rainbow tank :p :p :D :p :p :D :p :p
Hi James Tasker,

I've found that having platies or swordtails with bottom feeders is a pain in the a$$. Platies and Swordies will eat anything anywhere in the tank. So maybe you could get a divider and separate the plaites from the kuhlis until the kuhlis get better. Otherwise maybe add more sinking pellets or more flakes to distract the platies.

Otherwise, you could try feeding sinking pellets at night.
Mustang5L5 said:
I can't find anywhere that sells them near me :(
The LFS's near me all carry them but never have any in stock. They all tell me they can order them. Which I assume just menas that you go on the list for whenever they next manage to get some in.
I Feed the Fish staggered.

6.55pm Turn off Filter
7pm Flakes
7.05 Micro Pellets
7.06 Algae Wafers for Loaches Cories and Kuhlis and Banjos.

7.30 Bloodworms for ABF and Bumble bees.

7.45pm Turn Filter back on.

Kuhlis come out at night and finish off wahts left.

I also make sure to put algae wafers in their cave.
Most loaches feed at night, so feeding a sinking food before you go to bed is good advice.

>>> 6.55pm Turn off Filter

Why do you turn the filter off?
I turn off the filter so that the water settles down and the fish can eat the flakes at the surface.
it stops the food from going to the bottom and it keeps them occupied long enough. so that they fill themselves.

So when I feed the ABF and the BBG's they don't harrass them.

My Female Bettas Steal the Bloodworms out of the ABF Mouth, while he is eating them.

That is why it is stagerred.

And I turn off the the filter. to allow everyone to eat withut it being sucked intot he canister

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