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  1. Azaezl

    Setting Up An Adf (african Dwarf Frog) Tank...

    The java or the moss balls? Moss balls need hardly any light, it's a type of algae so will survive under very low light conditions, the moss balls / caves I had in the frog tank survived with just a cheap table lamp for light for a good few months. The java was only in there for about 3 weeks...
  2. Azaezl

    Setting Up An Adf (african Dwarf Frog) Tank...

    It should be fine as a temporary measure, I had some java fern in mine and only had a table lamp for a light and it survived but never grew. Another thing that I found my frogs loved for cover was moss balls split in half and shaped into caves, they preffered that to the coconut / real caves.
  3. Azaezl

    Setting Up An Adf (african Dwarf Frog) Tank...

    Here's a pinned thread you may find useful; As for the filter it's personal choice, if you can keep ontop of the water changes and would prefer to leave the filter out then do so but if you'd rather have it then I see no problem. I...
  4. Azaezl

    Another Cheap Small Tank

    I just went by the info on the box / on the site :P I'm glad so many of you have seen this post as now you can get yourself one for another betta :good: I was just stating my opinion that I would not house anything apart from maybe shrimp in anything under 20Litres I didn't say there was...
  5. Azaezl

    Practical Fish Keeping Forum

    I agree with you CFC, he is keeping the fish in tanks way too small for them and I personally emailed Matt about what's happened to you and explained that your not some total newbie there to cause trouble or anything and that you would be a fantastic asset to that forum and hoped they would...
  6. Azaezl

    New Fancy Goldfish Tank Setup.

    Hi Dev, Exciting news about the new tank :D I think you should go with just 1 more fancy goldfish, as well as upping the numbers of the WCMM like you said. Like I said on UKAPS plants will be trial and error, some goldies will eat anything and everything but if your lucky like me you'll get...
  7. Azaezl

    Is Sand Ok For Me

    Electriccoldsod I've never had problems with anaerobic patches, algae on top of the sand etc. I have MTS in all of the tanks which do a pretty good job of rooting through it, I also have corys in 2 of the tanks that sift through it all, as do the goldfish. I do poke around in the sand just to...
  8. Azaezl

    Is Sand Ok For Me

    Thanks for the lovely comments :) Jackie it's quite simple to do but can be time consuming. Unfortunately you will have to remove all the plants / fish / decor. The best way to do it is to get a large enough container to hold all the fish for a few hours,fill with tank water, put your heater in...
  9. Azaezl

    Is Sand Ok For Me

    I prefer sand, it's easier to keep clean, bottom dwellers prefer it and I personally think it looks nicer, black sand is probably the nicest but here are some pics of my tanks which have ordinary play sand in them; 5 gallon 15G 18G 30G 35G Or if you'd like to compare, here are some...
  10. Azaezl

    For Those Of You With Goldfish

    I have tried many different plants and all of them have grown fine in my goldfish tank, in particular vallis grows really well, as do hygro species. I have some riccia floating in the tank now as well which is being left alone. In the tank at the moment are Cabomba Caroliniana, Java fern...
  11. Azaezl

    Another Cheap Small Tank

    Just thought I'd let you all know of another small cheap tank, it's alot smaller then the one on offer with wilkos / aldi but has a few extra features. I personally don't like how small it is and wouldn't consider keeping anything in it(maybe juvenile cherry shrimp) but each to there own :D...
  12. Azaezl

    African Dwarf Frog Halfdeath?

    The only thing that may treat bloat is interpet no.9 anti-internal bacteria medicine, but that's when it's caught in the early stages, you could try interpet no.9 but there's not much hope I'm afraid.
  13. Azaezl

    Cheapest Fish Food In Uk I found this site the other day that sells frozen food very cheap compared to the shops were it's normally 3 or 4 packs for £10, wheras this one it's 25 packs for £18.95(that's what they list it as on aquarist classifieds) it's going to be £29.45 inc delivery...
  14. Azaezl

    African Dwarf Frog Halfdeath?

    That looks like bloat to me, it's fatal I'm afraid and I'll be surprised if he makes it through the day, if caught early enough it can be treated but from the looks of it your frog is too far gone, you can read more about the diseases that affect them here...
  15. Azaezl

    African Dwarf Frog Halfdeath?

    Just one side, hmmmm, don't suppose you have a pic of him? Could be he had a blockage, most likely gravel, I had a frog die and after I sliced her open found a tiny piece of gravel, I only have sand in my tanks so she must of had it blocking her for a while, most likely she ingested it when in...
  16. Azaezl

    Cheap Great Tank For A Betta! Now With 2 Pics!

    I think wilkinsons have the same tank, have done for a while now but it's slightly more expensive at £22.50(I think, or 23.50) so if you don't manage to get one at aldi try wilkos.
  17. Azaezl

    African Dwarf Frog Halfdeath?

    How is it this morning? Sounds to me like bloat, fatal I'm afraid, it may well have appeared fine in the shop but was already ill.
  18. Azaezl

    African Dwarf Frog Floating

    It sounds like it could be the beginning of bloat / dropsy, how is the frog now? Does it appear swollen compared to when you first had it? Is it still eating? Also water test results would be useful. Regarding the airstone, I recall reading somewhere that it's not recommended in a frog tank...
  19. Azaezl

    African Dwarf Frog Is

    Is the frog bloated at all? If so it could be dropsy / bloat. If he appears normal but is spending alot more time at the surface then usual it could be a bacterial infection, is it still eating? Frogs do have times of being very very lazy and they will stay near the surface so they don't have to...
  20. Azaezl

    Frogs Help Me!

    If your thinking of getting African Clawed Frogs then please be aware that they eat fish and so should be kept alone. African Dwarf Frogs are completly peaceful and can be kept in community tanks but this can sometimes pose problems particularly with feeding. I've written a pinned article about...
  21. Azaezl

    Shy Amano Shrimp?

    Thanks invader, was interesting reading and that cleaner shrimp is beautiful, I wish I had the cash for marine! Yeah mikster, very ticklish / tingly, I look forward to it now when I'm messing about with the plants.
  22. Azaezl

    Cherry Shrimp

    I received mine today and they are fantastic, all very healthy & lively, well packaged and bargain price, wish I'd ordered them from you off ebay so I could leave you some good feedback there too :D
  23. Azaezl

    African Dwarf Frogs With My Betta!

    It depends on the betta, the shrimp should be ok but you may find the betta decides they look rather tasty(esp. if you end up with shrimp offspring) and / or doesn't want to share his tank so will have a go at them.
  24. Azaezl

    African Dwarf Frog Out Of Water

    Well if it's not in the tank, then that only leaves outside of the tank which is possible but I haven't heard of them getting out when the water is so far below the tank rim. It could literally be anywhere in your home if it's escaped because they can survive out of water as long as they stay...
  25. Azaezl

    African Dwarf Frogs With My Betta!

    Are you planning on putting the frogs in the 3G or the 16G? The 3G you could get away with providing you are strict with water changes. If you get a male frog depending on if he is happy and willing to breed then yes he will make alot of noise. Some males are louder then others but my most...
  26. Azaezl

    African Dwarf Frog Out Of Water

    Have you checked your tank thoroughly? If you can't find it outside of the tank then chances are it may be dead somewhere in the tank.
  27. Azaezl

    Shy Amano Shrimp?

    Thanks everyone :D Lol PiltdownPaul I don't really get the option whether to get 'touchy feely' with them they just lunge at my hand as soon as it goes in. Not sure what you mean invader as I've never ventured into marine, do saltwater cleaner shrimp go for your hands?
  28. Azaezl

    Shy Amano Shrimp?

    I just thought I'd share some pics of my very friendly amano shrimp. The second I put my hand in the tank to do anything they swarm me and start picking at my skin, it's a very tickly sensation. The photos aren't fantastic as I had to take them 1 handed and my left hand isn't very steady.
  29. Azaezl

    The Latest Pics

    Thanks for the lovely comments everyone :D Luke my goldfish are really good they don't nibble the plants, The only problems I have sometimes is when they sift around in the sand for food they sometimes uproot the stem plants.
  30. Azaezl

    African Dwarf Frog Out Of Water

    They breathe air but they are completely aquatic, if your tank does not have a lid then the frog most certainly has escaped and you'll probably find it quite far from the tank dried up and dead.
  31. Azaezl

    The Latest Pics

    Thank you :D The goldfish tank is a little neglected on the plant front, they get the leftovers from the other tanks :lol: but I shall be ordering them lots of new plants in the next few weeks, so hopefully in a couple of months it will be looking as good as the other tanks.
  32. Azaezl

    The Latest Pics

    Thanks everyone :D Hopefully it will just get better and better as the weeks go by, the 35 & 30G still need to fill out quite alot but I'm leaving a nice open space in the centre of the 30G for the goldies to swim / dig around for food in.
  33. Azaezl

    The Latest Pics

    It's been a few weeks since I added all my new plants, I added a few more today(soma java fern & an ozelot), here are my tanks as they look today; 35 Gallon; 30 Gallon; 18 Gallon; 5 Gallon...
  34. Azaezl

    Underwater Frogs

    Frogs do need company so yes you would need more, or pass the single one on to someone else, how big is the tank? Not sure about the red tail shark, if I remember correctly they can beocme aggressive as they grow, or maybe that's just towards other sharks, you may want to check that out. I'd...
  35. Azaezl

    Underwater Frogs

    Funny you should ask that, I was debating this only the other day with someone, thread can be found here; I would say it's down to the individual frog, some seem to enjoy having their head out of the water for long periods of time...
  36. Azaezl

    Nature Aquarium Photos

    :drool: Fantastic as always george and like I tend to say on the blogs...jealous jealous jealous :P :lol: :rofl: :good: It would be interesting to see a much larger planted tank with some different fish. I've noticed alot of planted tanks have small shoaling fish, I do understand why, what...
  37. Azaezl

    Underwater Frogs

    Here's alot of info about them; HTH :D
  38. Azaezl

    Is It The Fish Store Clerk's Responsibility?

    I agree completely with this, if the shop has everything labelled correctly then it is down to the indivdual to read those labels and make the choice whether the fish is suitable for their setup. We can't expect 1 person to know about every fish sold in the shop, for example if I worked in a...
  39. Azaezl

    Fish Tales

    Now that I'd like to see :lol: I always find it amusing the way my amano shrimp skuttle off with a catfish pellet and also when they take a pellet off my corys, they are really cheeky. One of my goldfish likes to 'blow kisses' my 2yr old sits by his tank blowing kisses and he opens and closes...
  40. Azaezl

    How Long Can A Frog Go Without Food?

    I disagree about the singing, my frogs sing underwater, videos of which can be seen / heard in the links on the thread I did. I guess it's down to the individual frog, yours may just enjoy having it's head out of the water, any of mine could quite easily sit on top of the filter if they wanted...