African Dwarf Frog Is


New Member
Mar 23, 2008
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My African Dwarf frog is floating at the top of his tank....his friend is fine but he cant seem to stay at the bottom, he will swim down but then floats back up to the top.... I dont get it... is there anything that I can do to help him > I feel so bad!!!
Please any info I would appriciate!
erm, its as a result of air of course but i cant realy help you..

i lost my ADF today =(. he got sucked into the filter and drown
I can't say for sure, but it sounds like a swim bladder problem. I'm not even sure if ADF have these, but it sounds like what happens to a fsh with a swim bladder problem. See what you can find out about AFD's swim bladder, if they exist. -_-
Is the frog bloated at all? If so it could be dropsy / bloat. If he appears normal but is spending alot more time at the surface then usual it could be a bacterial infection, is it still eating? Frogs do have times of being very very lazy and they will stay near the surface so they don't have to make the trip up for air but they usually don't do this for more then an hour or two at a time.

The real worry is a bacterial infection, they can have virtually no symptoms other then what your describing then the frog will lose it's appetite and die a few days later it's underside & eyes usually turning red. What are your water stats? These problems as with fish usually stem from poor water quality, remember frogs can't tolerate ammonia / nitrite. Also what size tank are they in, what else do you have in with them?
Mine do it sometimes. They'll float about for a day or so then go back down to hide again. Lots of times i've thought they'd died but it's just something they do apparantly. But as others have said check for info u can find if its a case of it never going down to the bottom.

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