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  1. S

    favourtie fish?

    Congo tetras Ghost knife fishes Cherry barbs Clown Laoches Cory fishes
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    Ghsot knife fish!

    70 gallons???? oh gosh dats really BIG! But they dun seem to grow veyr fast for my case....
  3. S

    Ghsot knife fish!

    I heard live foods are better for them, but i had a hard time finding live food for them coz they are still relatively small in size, so thye really need very small fishes to far i have been feeding them live blood worms...but they doesn;t seemt to like it...
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    Ghsot knife fish!

    They get so big??? Oh man....
  5. S

    Ghsot knife fish!

    They will get stressed? So far they are doing fine...they dun group together anyway.....and they do feed on my flakes and such...just wondering when will they get big...
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    Ghsot knife fish!

    Oh they feed on shrimps as well?
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    Ghsot knife fish!

    Oh ???Does it take them fast or long to get big....was wondering if they will get big enough to actually eat my tiger tiger barbs are about the same size as them for now...
  8. S

    Ghsot knife fish!

    Eh there's no way i can retunr my i guess i just see how the 5 ghost fishes works in my tank...hah...but they dun stay toegther most of the time anyway...i have quite anumber of plants and they tend to hide in their respective locations, occasionally swim here and there, and...
  9. S

    Ghsot knife fish!

    One per tank??? Oh man i have 5 of them...haha...I hope it wun affect their growth or whatsoever....maybe i can feed some live bloodworms or they feed at other fishes as well???
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    Ghsot knife fish!

    Okay, i i just bought some of this amazing keeping them with my clown laoches, as well as tiger and rosy far doing quite fine...but i heard they prefer live foods...i cant seem to find any live food that is smalle enuff to fee dhim though...coz my knifes fishes are kinda...
  11. S

    what new fish should i get?

    :huh: Danios are quite active yet peaceful fishes...and they tend to school, its wisert to get at least 6-10 of them...looks better, and they will be happier as well :P maybe can mix with some leopard danios....its the same also... if you want, tetras are definitely good choices...peaceful...
  12. S

    zebra danio

    Yar, some of my zebra and leopard danios tend to chase around other fishes around like crazy..haha..but no fins or whatever were damaged....has been like that since months..i think its their natural behaviour...
  13. S

    my newset fishies

    Heh....cherry barbs are cool....but too bad they dun school
  14. S

    Just about tetra fish

    Sorry cant really help since i explore mainly on the east side of s'pore ;) but there's a few at clementi and jurong some time ago when i was there if im not wrong... And yeah, Congo tetras are really one of the prettiest tetras among all other tetras....its really hard to get if u...
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    Mixing Tropical Fish

    I didn't know bleeding tetras and black widows are considered semi aggressive .....are they?
  16. S

    Just about tetra fish

    Actually, u can find most of the tetras in singapore, some pretty common are the neons, black neons,bleeding heart, lemon tetras etc....I myself have neons, emperor tetras, serpae tetras, and Congo tetras( which is pretty rare and kinda expensive if u ask me)..Green neon tetras are also kinda...
  17. S

    new tank - fish recommendation

    Get some tetras...peaceful and aren't as active as other fishes like tiger barbs, danios etc...emperor tetra, neon tetras etc are good choices....tetras usually school so try get a handful of them.....6 or even more....minnows, harlequins, corys are also good too....others like Cherry...
  18. S

    Help my COngo Tetra....

    Urgh...sumthing very wrong with one of my congo keeps swimming upside down....struggling to swim properly and its breathing very heavy.....and it keeps brushes against sides of tank or plants.....oh no...
  19. S

    Tiger Barbs

    i've heard tinfoil barbs are not aggressive though...just dun put fishes taht are really small in sizes....since they can get relatively bg in size when full grown....I will say Cherry barbs are peaceful barbs though....and they are relatively shy and dun relaly school...
  20. S

    most shy fish

    clown loaches seems pretty shy to me as well....and Congo tetras are really very shy fishes as well....
  21. S

    which fish

    Most of the tetras fishes are pretty no harm getting a shoal of them to your fish community....bleeding heart, neons, emperor, black neons, lemon, rainbow...even congo tetras despite their bigger sizes are quite peaceful and beautiful fishes that u can consider buying...( though my...
  22. S

    Ideas for Fish!

    Oh well....all tetras will do well with your get them by all means...lemon tetra, emperor tetra, congo tetra etc are good since they are peaceful...zebra danios are good also...harlequins, white cloud mountain minnows or cherry barbs are good choices since they are nice and peaceful...
  23. S

    Help! white spots!

    I did raise the temp to what u all have mentioned...but i think some of my neons couldnt take it...and my cherry barbs are still struggling....though some seems better, there are some who seems to be on the brink of death...sob sob :(
  24. S

    I've decided what to go in my 20 gallon...

    actually most tetras family fishes should go well with cardinals....even Congo tetras( though quite big size) seems to get along very fine with them( i have a few congo tetras with my neons and cardinals)....zebra/leopard danios are also good to have since they are hardy, active and peacful...
  25. S

    Help! white spots!

    eh...ok some of my cherry barbs are recovering....only a few are still affaected....i dun think its fungus....coz only white spots dat seems to be big and they are so near togther that i desxribe them as patch...but oh well...lots of my cherry and neons died though...urgh...
  26. S

    Help! white spots!

    no...they are white spots.....though now it seems kinda more obvious and getting mroe and more on my cherry barbs...sigh...the poor barbs are dying on eby one...anyway if its fungus, then what are the symptoms>? I dont see any white patches, just white spots...though kinda lot of them on the...
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    Help! white spots!

    oh 28 huh>? thanks :D btw i hope the white spots will be gone soon..its really tormenting my neons and cherry barbs very badly...urgh :(
  28. S

    Help! white spots!

    btw how many is 82F? SOrry im not good at temp readings :P around 50 degrees? Thats too hot isn't it?
  29. S

    Albino glowlight tetras

    I;ve seen albino neons b4 in s'pore, as well as albino Cherry barbs, which is really rare..and kinda expensive as well....
  30. S

    Help! white spots!

    Just change my water 3 days ago...and add in some kill bacteria stuffs....oh man 5 of my cherry barbs and 4 of my neons died...haiz...all becoz they already ahve teh white spots....the rest of the fishes are quite ok...espcially the leopard danios and harlequins which seems damn...
  31. S

    Help! white spots!

    Oh man...3 of my cherry barbs died...haiz....i hope the rest of the fishes can endure and survive the torment of the white spots...i hope my leopard danios, harlequins and congo tetras dun get the white spots....urgh
  32. S

    Help! white spots!

    Its call Ridall....anti ich bottle of blue solution....the shopkeeper told me get the smaller bottle, put some dosage into the tank, with aquarim salt and within days should be ok.....but...oh well... :sad:
  33. S

    Help! white spots!

    Yar...almost every week....i just change the water yesterday....and oh well my cherry barbs have more white spots now....urgh...
  34. S

    Help! white spots!

    Oh man its the 4th day and it seems dat the white spots have appeared on my cheryr barbs as well.....previously onli the neons it carry on to the cherry barbs...and it looks kinda serious...haiz...2 weeks? seems kinda long...wonder if they can really survive as they look pretty weak to...
  35. S

    Help! white spots!

    Oh man its the 4th day and it seems dat the white spots have appeared on my cheryr barbs as well.....previously onli the neons it carry on to the cherry barbs...and it looks kinda serious...haiz...2 weeks? seems kinda long...wonder if they can really survive as they look pretty weak to...
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    Loaches near heater

    But will they attack smaller fishes like zebra danios or cherry barbs and noens?
  37. S

    Loaches near heater

    Btw are clown loaches friendly to keep? I was afraid it might disturn or chase or nip other fishes in my tank...though of purchasing them though...i have 2 of the tank consist of 10 tiger barbs, 5 rosy barbs, 8 red eyes, 4 dwaf gouramis and 7 zebra danios..... The other has 5...
  38. S

    Help! white spots!

    white spots for 2 weeks??? Oh my....dats really long....i hope the fishes can survive so long...haiz
  39. S

    trouble with tiger barb

    U can try putting rosy barbs with the tiger barbs too...i had 10 tiger barbs and 6 rosy barbs in my another older tank...and they get along damn fine....maybe same barb family i guess....and always school together as well..haha..i have about 8 zebra danios and they dun bother nipping them...
  40. S

    Help! white spots!

    its a relatively new tank...about 3 weeks old....with guppies...onli 3 left now...most of them dead....ard 15 neon tetras and cardinals, and ard 18 cherry barbs....and 8 harlequins.....neber had this problem before....the white post i've noticed it started only does changing the...