new tank - fish recommendation


Oct 6, 2003
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out to lunch
OK, so had me new tank, only a small 30 ltr up and running for a while now; any recommendations for first fish
i am looking for some nice colourful fish of varying sizes

any advice for a newbie?

My advice would be to keep it simple and don't be tempted to get delicate fish as you'll only be disappointed.

A 30 litre tank is 7.5 US gallons, which means you should only really be looking at about 7.5 inches of fish in there, certainly no more than 10 inches (not including tails). You also need to stick to fish that don't require a lot of swimming space.

A few suggestions:
1x male betta
6x black neon tetras or 4x cherry barbs (1m 3f) or 3x corys or 5x otto cats
Golden apple snail

A pair of dwarf puffers

A group of guppies (1 male, 3 females)
Cherry or gold barbs (1m 2f)
Golden apple snail

8x White Cloud Mountain minnows or rosy minnows
Golden apple snail
Get some tetras...peaceful and aren't as active as other fishes like tiger barbs, danios etc...emperor tetra, neon tetras etc are good choices....tetras usually school so try get a handful of them.....6 or even more....minnows, harlequins, corys are also good too....others like Cherry barbs,rummy nose etc are also great choices...note that cherry barbs are relatively shy fishes and doenst really school too...
do tetras school with other tetras? so instead of getting 6 neons, i get 4 neons and 4 of another tetra? i happenend to buy a tetra which is very much white except for the eye which is reflective like the neon's stripe. any idea what it is?
If it also has a bright spot by the tail it could be a Head and Tail Light Tetra. I have 6 of em. On that note, a question. Do Tetras tend to get aggresive if they are filling up with eggs. A couple of mine appear to have gotten quite fat lately and with the wieght they have gained an attitude?

Any thoughts?

joshua said:
do tetras school with other tetras? so instead of getting 6 neons, i get 4 neons and 4 of another tetra? i happenend to buy a tetra which is very much white except for the eye which is reflective like the neon's stripe. any idea what it is?
Tetras will swim with other tetras but can only school with their own kind. This is true even for tetras that look identical but are actually different species, such as the two species of rummy-nosed tetra I have in one tank.

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