Just about tetra fish


New Member
Oct 14, 2003
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Hi All, I m singapore. I just start to keep some tetra. hope to share interest with anyone who like tetra.

So what sort of tetra can we found in singapore?
Anyone know?

Cheers :D

How about posting Tetra photo here?
hello i'm fr sg too.. in almost all the fish shops there's neon tetras... going for pretty cheaply.. roughly 3 for a dollar.. those bigger ones a little more expensive. i haven't seen glowlight yet... if u do please tell me =). the shop near my place has rummy nose tetras too
Actually, u can find most of the tetras in singapore, some pretty common are the neons, black neons,bleeding heart, lemon tetras etc....I myself have neons, emperor tetras, serpae tetras, and Congo tetras( which is pretty rare and kinda expensive if u ask me)..Green neon tetras are also kinda rare..though i came across some in tampines area.....phantom tetras, rainbow and bloodfin tetras are also abit harder to get, but i do came across them as well in some larger aquarium shops....
Thats cool that you guys are from singapore. I live in the United States but my mom is Singaporean and I go there for about 2 months every summer.
Congos get pretty big but are very pretty.. I just picked up 6 Red Phantom Tetras at the LFS who has been out of them for a month.. I have those and ROsy tetras.. Nice fish. Maybe eventually add a few neons to finish off the tank... See sig :)
joshua said:
cool.. any nice shops in the west to recommend?
Sorry cant really help since i explore mainly on the east side of s'pore ;) but there's a few at clementi and jurong some time ago when i was there if im not wrong...
And yeah, Congo tetras are really one of the prettiest tetras among all other tetras....its really hard to get them..so if u manage to saw them in one of the aquarium shops, be sure to get them..heh....Phantom tetras and Rosy tetras are also cool choices.... :D

Anyone know wat sort of tetra is this?

Thanks :eek:

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