most shy fish

Thomas A. Anderson

Fish Herder
Aug 1, 2002
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Which in your experiences are the most shy/timid fish?

IME I would say my bumblebee catfish, I bought it about 8 months ago and I have only ever seen it 3 times, and that includes when it was in the bag.

Also my tiger plec is very timid, but at least I can usually see his tail fin sticking out of his hiding place.

I know some people say kuhlis are shy but I have never had that problem with mine, but I have about a dozen.
clown loaches seems pretty shy to me as well....and Congo tetras are really very shy fishes as well....
My skunk botias are rarely seen, but I'm not sure if they're actually shy. I think they're just more anti-social. They're certainly not timid with the other fish.

I would have to say my most shy fish are silver dollars. They've settled down immensely in the time I've had them, but they're outrageously shy and nervous fish who still frequently swim full speed ahead into the sides of the tank when I reach in to move or remove something. :rolleyes:
My shyest fish are my talking catfish/spotted raphaels, im lucky if i see them once a week, plecs come a close second, i have a few which spend most of the day in hiding.
Rasbora kalochroma is very skittish - in fact, many of the large Rasboras are.

A mate of mine had 2 big, (200mm+), Chalceus macrolepidotus, both eventually killed themselves by taking fright and ramming the end of the tank.
mine is my elephant nose fish.....rarely see him :no: but when he does pop out the kids get very excited :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

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