Tiger Barbs


Fish Fanatic
Aug 28, 2003
Reaction score
South Africa
I have a community tank, (see my signature). I rather like Tiger barbs & want to know it they will fit in to my community? Are they aggressive?
Thanks! :D
Hi, Tiger Barbs are semi-aggresive and although they can be put into a community tank they are likely to nip at the fins of any fish with larger fancy fins. I have heard that they can be more passive if in slightly larger numbers but it's still a risk. I really love Barbs too but i don't dare get any yet as i only have a few fish in my tank and it's be suggested that barbs will go better in a fully established tank.

Hope this helps :) I am a beginner too so no doubt other more experienced people will be along with better answers ;)
I'm not talking from personal experience, because although I love barbs, I too have not yet added any to my tank, but a friend of mine has a community tank, which includes two tiger barbs and they seem happy ehough chasing each other round and don't bother the other fish too much. This would seem to suggest that getting one Barb might be a bad idea, but getting a couple might work.

From this experience I'd be tempted to put some in my tank, but I have decided not to risk it and leave my current tank as it is for the moment.

Sorry this reply is a bit confused..! :hyper:
From my limited experience of Tigers, I think you will be needing more than two. I would suggest at least six. This will spread the attention (fin nipping) between the fish when they have the mad moments.

Crazy fish!!!! just got to love'm tho. :thumbs:
I bow to your knowledge...! ;)

I agree with you though, they are definately in my opinion some of the best fish...I go to see my friend and just watch the tigers dhasing each other all over the place...fantastic..can't waiti till I have some too...! :D
All barbs are aggressive (some say various types aren't...but they are) anyway tigers are one of the more aggressive barbs...personally i wouldn't risk it...but if you do make sure your lfs will take them back if the need arises ;)
i've heard tinfoil barbs are not aggressive though...just dun put fishes taht are really small in sizes....since they can get relatively bg in size when full grown....I will say Cherry barbs are peaceful barbs though....and they are relatively shy and dun relaly school...
I've had quite a bit of experience with tiger barbs and I know I'm not the only one to find they are pretty bad about nipping fins. I would mostly worry about them biting your betta's fins, and they might go after your guppies too. I don't know how big your tank is in gallons - but if you really want tiger barbs, get as big of a school as possible. 6 is the minimum amount, 8 ideal min. The more tigers there are, the less aggression you'll find they exert on other fish. You can always get green tiger barbs, or albino too - they'll school with the normal striped kind, and you can mix it up colors wise that way too. I really enjoy tiger barbs, I think they're very interesting fish. They are always active and fun to watch. Just remember they can get 3 inches or so, so leave room for growing in your tank.

As for the suggestion of tinfoil barbs in an earlier reply - I'd say no way unless your tank is very large. Tinfoil barbs get huge, I often see ones in my lfs that are at least 7 inches long. However, the cherry barb suggestion might be a good one. I have 2 cherries and they're very cute fish. They don't have the typical barb "attitude" and are a lot more peaceful then tigers. However, they don't school very much if you want a school.
I had 6 tiger barbs in a 20g with guppies and cory cats - the barbs nipped at everything. I finally took them back when they took a chunk out of a cory cat. Lately I've read a lot of posts complaining that they are sensitive to light also. Mine preferred to have the lights off. They are also very sensitive to water conditions. They will begin to point down at the first sign of trouble. I eventually got cherry barbs they are bright red, small, very active and peaceful.
i feel so bad as i just killed 2 of them. I bought 5 of them today (big one) and dump into my community tank, the next thing i know 2 of my tiger oscar eat 2 of them. :no:
I have a community tank, (see my signature). I rather like Tiger barbs & want to know it they will fit in to my community? Are they aggressive?
Thanks! :D

I am new to the fish thing but am enjoying it. I have two tiger barbs and dont seem to have a prouble, but I have noticed them chase eachother all the time but they dont seem to bother anyone else.

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