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  1. K

    Question About Clearing Up Mbuna Water

    What substrate do you have? Sand/gravel? If sand what type do you have.
  2. K

    My Mbuna (pics Included!)

    Some more :) My tank, with playsand. Still need to move filter outlets though. I also have a short video of the tank now. People who haven't seen Labrosus can see just how they turn on their side to get their lips between the rocks! Cheers...
  3. K

    My Mbuna (pics Included!)

    I told him about my wild white labs spawning a few weeks ago and he seemed pleased. i remember getting my wild OB female Estherae and being told 'look after her she's special'. :) Will have to let him know she's done the deed now! Did Colin mention the white labs then?
  4. K

    My Mbuna (pics Included!)

    Maybe my alias is Chris and my actual name is KingKenny 8) Yeah, it's me!
  5. K

    Yellow Lab Problem?

    Doesn't bloodworm cause bloat in Mbuna and other African Cichlids?
  6. K

    My Mbuna (pics Included!)

    I'm forever being told to actually capture some fish in my pictures. I've borrowed a good digital camera so over the next few days will add a few pictures of varying quality! 1) My favourite fish. My large, wild, male Acei "George". Probably the fish with the most expressive face in the tank...
  7. K

    Coral Sand Breaking Down

    Over the past two weeks or so the coral sand in my tank appears to have started breaking down, causing there to be a fine 'dust' in the water. It's infuriating as I previously had crystal clear water. The tank has been running with this sand for about 6 months or so. I use the sand due to the...
  8. K

    Seachem Prime Water Conditioner - Problems?

    Thanks for your help. Much obliged. It's a good product and one I'll continue to recommend now.
  9. K

    Seachem Prime Water Conditioner - Problems?

    The directions on the bottle are: Use 1 capful (5 mL) for each 200 L (50 gallons) of new water. For smaller doses, please note each cap thread is approx. 1 ml. This dose removes approximately 0.6 mg/L ammonia, 3 mg/L chloramine, or 4 mg/L chlorine. May be added to aquarium directly, but...
  10. K

    What Food For My Malawis?

    I've always been under the impression that bloodworm was a no-go due to malawi bloat?
  11. K

    Prolapse Bowel?

    Where are the pics?
  12. K

    Bridging New World And African

    Would you mind giving examples of the fish you keep together and in what size setup/what water stats etc? You're at risk of sending new fishkeepers down the wrong path with such a general statement. But of course some would be able to be kept together but it doesn't mean the fish are happy...
  13. K

    Insuring Your Fish?

    Just a quick question. To those of us that have spent a starggering amount on the actual fish in our tank, can they be insured? For instance a tank wide wipeout due to disease, or fish dying due to a power outage. My tank is covered by house insurance but there is nothing protecting my fish...
  14. K

    Buying Malawies

    Also take into account that 'Malawi's' is a very general term. There are different groups of fish in this lake which have different dietary requirements and also require vastly different aquascaping of the tank. For instance there are the rock dwelling Mbuna usually found around Malawi's shore...
  15. K

    Rena Tank

    I have one and think it's excellent.
  16. K

    Mail Order Fish?

    Also very good too. Have used these aswell.
  17. K

    Mail Order Fish?

    The vast majority of my wild caught fish are from Natural World. Great selection of fish and great customer service. I'm sure a new shipment will be arriving in the next couple of weeks. I'm waiting myself :)
  18. K

    Problems Getting Hold Of Certain Fish

    Try here too for the Rams.
  19. K

    What Does It Mean When A Fish Scrape Itself On The Sand?

    No offence taken. I was trying to point out my fish sometimes do the same after water changes. As I've previously heard people say that some water conditioners can be irritant to fish I thought I'd post which water conditioner I used on the offchance I might be asked anyway. Sorry for the...
  20. K

    My Completed Mbuna Aqarium (nearly!)

    Now getting the eels tomorrow. Will post a few pictures as and when. Also getting 4 Melanochromis dialeptos and 3 Labeotropheus Fuelleborni Chindunga Rocks. All wild 8)
  21. K

    What Does It Mean When A Fish Scrape Itself On The Sand?

    In what universe did I recommend it as a cycling produt? :huh:
  22. K

    What Does It Mean When A Fish Scrape Itself On The Sand?

    My Mbuna do it occasionally. Most of the time it is following a water change when there are sand particles flaoting around, and possibly something to do with the new water going into the tank. I use Seachem Prime as a conditioner by the way.
  23. K

    My Completed Mbuna Aqarium (nearly!)

    Yeah later on this week I believe. Should be good additions to the tank.
  24. K

    Fish Suddenly Dying And Still Looking Healthy

    So your tank had two fish in for a period of time, and then some time afterwards you added 6 neons, 1 bala shark, 2 angel fish and 3 guppies? Are you sure you haven't overloaded the tank too quickly? How big is it? There is going to have been a big surge in ammonia levels and if you didn't...
  25. K

    My Completed Mbuna Aqarium (nearly!)

    No most definitely UK based. Thanks for the tank comments it makes the effort worthwhile.
  26. K

    My Completed Mbuna Aqarium (nearly!)

    No not as yet, early next month I think. His new stock was around 2/3 weeks ago. Next due in a few weeks I think.
  27. K

    My Completed Mbuna Aqarium (nearly!)

    Yeah they're Shiranus. Yeah I'll be feeding them by hand hopefully, and completely seperate from the Mbuna. Paul in Cannock? I know he has some but I'm getting mine from natural world. A little bit more expensive I think but I've got them off him before and he goes out of his way in the customer...
  28. K

    My Completed Mbuna Aqarium (nearly!)

    Yeah the eels are wild. I'm just trying getting the seller to get them onto frozen foods as opposed to live. If he can break their resistence they'lll be mine on Wednesday!
  29. K

    My Completed Mbuna Aqarium (nearly!)

    Got to fins something for the Malawi Eels to live in now. Never kept them before but the picture I got sent of the ones I'm getting are here.
  30. K

    My Completed Mbuna Aqarium (nearly!)

    I've posted pictures of my tank before, but here's how it looks with upgraded lighting and a half decent blackground. I've moved away from the neon blue I had before, and this just seems a whole lot more natural. 6 wild Acei 5 wild Labidochromis Caeruleus Nkhata Bay (white) 4 wild Minos Reef...
  31. K

    Melanochromis Dialeptos

    Thanks. Just hope the Dialeptos aren't too aggressive. I have the space, given that it's a 6.5ft tank, for things to go well. Any rare fish suggestions whilst you're here?
  32. K

    Melanochromis Dialeptos

    I currently have white labs, melanochromis labrosus, Estherae, Acei and Saulosi in my tank. Generally speaking do you think it's a bad idea to get them with this mix?
  33. K

    Melanochromis Dialeptos

    I'm taking some wild caught Dialeptos next week, the fish commonly referred to as dwarf auratus due to the female colouring. Anyhow they seem pretty mild mannered in comparison to some of the Melanochromis Species, but I have no experience of them myself. To those that have kept or even seen...
  34. K

    Fish Dying Off - Possibly Nitrates

    Why are your water changes so infrequent though? You should be doing your best to keep it far and away below 250. You should be changing at least 25% a week in reality. Mine is 30-40% weekly and the fish do well with that.
  35. K

    An Unpleasant Topic

    Personally I've always used blunt trauma. There are endless methods which people say are 'quick' or 'pain free' such as freezing, but with blunt trauma you know you're putting them out instantly. Always make sure the object you use is bigger than the fish. That way you can't make a mistake by...
  36. K

    My 6.5ft Mbuna Aquarium

    Yep, that's what I was going for. 8)
  37. K

    My 6.5ft Mbuna Aquarium

    Yeah. Sometimes you get something so ugly it becomes endearing. Think that's how I managed to bag the missus :P
  38. K

    My 6.5ft Mbuna Aquarium

    Yesterday the male was turning fully on his side and pushing his lips through horizontal cracks as described. Very interesting to see. Generally I feed my fish new life spectrum but these seem to favour a flake that I was given by the chap that gave them to me. They seem happy enough with that...
  39. K

    My 6.5ft Mbuna Aquarium

    I'll have a look to see what I can find. Anyhow these are my labrosus. They aren't pictures from my tank but from the day before I bought them. Ugly as hell, but I had to have them! For those that need URL's
  40. K

    My 6.5ft Mbuna Aquarium

    For those that can't see them simply visit the URL's That should work. About the filter outlets, I'll do my best to get them hidden. Can't move the central XP3 Pipe though, the...