My 6.5ft Mbuna Aquarium


Fish Fanatic
Mar 22, 2006
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Set up my large tank six months ago after fishlessly cycling. Had some troubles from the off when either the Acei or Petricola I started out with brought some kind of parasite into the tank. Thankfully that's now over. I was on the verge of selling my tank after this short period of time but decided to take some time and think about it properly. I made the right decision.

Over these months I've been able to painstakingly get the tank the way I wanted it. Tank is set up as follows:

150Uk Gallons, PH 8.0
Heating 2x300W Visitherms
Filtration 1 Rena XP3 and 1 Fluval FX5. I also keep a Fluval 1 running in the tank incase I need an emergency cycled filter for a hospital tank.
Substrate - Coral Sand
Rocks - B and Q River Cobbles (about 40)

I wanted to have a few fish that weren't 'run of the mill' in there so two in particular seem relatively rare in the trade. The Fish I have are:

1) 6 wild Pseudotropheus Acei Yellow Tails 1m 5f (spawn like crazy)
2) 1 wild Maylandia Estherae Minos Reef blue male, 3 wild Minos Reed orange females, and 1 wild OB Minos Reef Female.
3) My crowning glory, 2 wild Melanochromis Labrosus (f'kin expensive I tell you)
4) 5 wild Labidochromis Caeruleus Nkhate Bay (white)
5) 4 F1 Saulosi (will be expanding this to group of 3m 9f soon)
6) 7 F1 Synodontis Petricola (the purist in me may swap for Njasse)

Anyhow finally, after months of frustration and expense, I have a tank I'm proud of. Fish seem to love it and are spawning regularly. I still have space in which to add more fish.

Let me know what you think.


that is quiet the pile of rock! Keep up the good work.

Catching fish must be very difficult if not near impossible without having to take all the stone out?

Keep the pic's coming in :good:

Any chance you can post a pic of your Melanochromis Labrosus? That is some set of lips that this species has!!!
Kenny , Your tank is absolutely brilliant, I think you`ve got the rockwork just right .
I`m really envious of anyone with a 6.5ft Mbuna tank that looks like that. :good:

Do the Acei tend to hang around the top of the water column ?

Maybe you could hide the filter inlet/outlets a little , maybe at the sides.?
Really nice looking tank and big too! Good job. :good:

Why can't I see the pics?

Don't know why but i found that really funny, it had to be you Sue. :lol:
That's gonna be a pop-up blocker or similar like Google toolbar trying to block ad's etc and getting a bit carried away. Could also be a software firewall.
Ah! Ive been getting buggy things going on. But I do get lots of stuff blocked and on TFF too. Oh well. I'll look into it--eventually.

Thanks Ferris
For those that can't see them simply visit the URL's

That should work. About the filter outlets, I'll do my best to get them hidden. Can't move the central XP3 Pipe though, the hose had to be a certian length and it could only be moved slightly given the location of the cabinets underneath. I did try!

The Acei do spend a lot of time out in the open water. They often shoal as a group. I suffered with shy fish to begin with and I was getting frustrated. But I started a week opf training whereby I'd feed them a very small amount every time I went into the room, and then whilst they ate I would run/walk/jump up and down by the tank waving my arms. Now they just consider me a crazy arm waving food giving twerp!
Yes well I am blocked from that site as well. :/

But I think I may have to try your training on my fronts. :lol: very funny. I know pretty much what my Betta think of me, but what I wonder about some of the others. I know the cories find me amusing--as long as I give them lots of blackworms.
I agree, the labrosus are not the most prettiest flower in the meadow but they do add variation to a mbuna setup.

I have a question:
Due to the fact that they are your fish and you have most likely done your homework about the species, can you inform me (and maybe enlighten some of the others) as to why have the lips evolved to be so large. Do labrosus have any particular feeding habits or dietary requirements?
Trophic (feeding) adaptations
"Melanochromis" labrosus

Behavior: Skulks on rocky shores. Fits its narrow mouth and enlarged lips in crevices, which it seals with the lips, then sucks out the insect larvae or other invertebrates. Often turns on its side to feed in horizontal cracks. Anatomy: Fleshy lips with elongate median lobes; laterally compressed head and jaws.

Worth a read the above link , I`ve heard this before but a Nimbochromis livingstonii - Feigns death, lying motionless on its side. Coloration: Mimics a rotting fish, luring small fish within range.

Very interesting fish Kenny like Tanks has said another aspect to your tank.

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