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  1. alexlark

    Tell Me About Led Lighting

    Well, had the led's back. They are quite bright but not as bright as my 2 x T5's so I'm sticking with the T5's for now. I'm goona use the blue led's for moonlighting in the next tank i'm planning as they are REALLY good on their own. I will sell the white led's on ebay. As I say though, the blue...
  2. alexlark

    Tell Me About Led Lighting

    I've just purchased a 5m set of 600 SMD LED's in Blue and a set in Pure White: SMD LED Blue SMD LED Pure White My current setup consists of 2 x T5 46in tubes. 1x Blue and 1x White. I will take some pics of before and after once I receive them. I'm planning on cutting the 2x 5m strips down to...
  3. alexlark

    Making Of An 41 Inch Aquarium Cabinet Journal

    Nice cabinet mate!! Good job with the mouldings and that ply has come up a treat once painted! :good:
  4. alexlark

    Tell Me About Led Lighting

    @BigC Nice post with the pics. I'm interested in doing the same with my marine tank. Apart from fish and live rock i've only got 1 mushroom in there. I was thinking of using a mixture of pure white and blue smd led strips. Yours look like the warm white strips. Very neat :nod:
  5. alexlark

    Diy Led Rig

    Any updates on this guys? I've been looking to do something similar myself after I bought these for under my kitchen cupboards: My link I bought the warm white ones for my kitchen and they are quite bright. I'm just not sure how bright they would be for the normal running lights in my...
  6. alexlark

    Noisy Koralias Part 2

    Hi rl1oyd I had this problem after cleaning one of mine a few months ago. I ended up taking it out of the tank to keep as a spare and bought 2 koralia "copies" off ebay for £10. They seem to do pretty much the same job! The only think I hate about this type of powerhead is that the ceramic...
  7. alexlark

    Skimmer Bubble Trap

    Hi, I would have said that it will be fine to use as it's intended for aquarium use. As a bubble stop though I would be inclined to use a course sponge rather than a fine one as the fine sponges require more frequent cleaning.
  8. alexlark

    Adding A Poweder Blue Tang

    I have lost 2 tangs in the past to whitespot. Tangs are prone to it, more than other fish. I would highly recommend getting a UV steriliser fitted to your tank. I run mine 24/7 and have never had whitespot in the tank since, and I am the proud owner of a stunning powder blue tang :nod:
  9. alexlark

    The Second Collecting Trip For Show Stock

    Excellent, that moorish is stunning :nod:
  10. alexlark

    **info** Please!

    No, I make my own RO. Also helps to reduce any nuisance alge :thumbs:
  11. alexlark

    What Marine Fish Have The Most Character

    I'd say my Powder Blue Tang. As soon as I open the lid he's straight up to the top waiting for food! He even swims the whole length of the tank as I walk past - like he's following me! :lol:
  12. alexlark

    Online Aquarium Suppliers

    Thanks Victor, I'll take a look when I'm home from work. Firewall is blocking it in work!! :saddam:
  13. alexlark

    Online Aquarium Suppliers

    Thanks Morri I will check them out. I get a lot of my kit off the net but I get most of my livestock from Maidenhead Aquatics in Cardiff.
  14. alexlark

    Online Aquarium Suppliers

    Good afternoon all, After converting from tropicals to marines 18 months ago I have successfully kept a 4ft FOWLR tank going and recently added 2 corals which are doing very well. However, my tank does not have a sump or a skimmer! So I am looking to upgrade. I want to buy a tank, sump and...
  15. alexlark

    Thinking Of A New Tank, With A Sump!

    Hi Jonathan, Just been reading your whole post as I am thinking of doing the exact same thing after keeping marines for the last 18 months. My setup at the moment is a 4ft tank, 3 powerheads, external canister with UV sterilizer and a load of LR. NO sump and NO skimmer! :fun: Like yourself...
  16. alexlark

    Ro System

    Thanks for your quick responses!! I would have used a different method to connect the RO tube to the mains but the RO MAN system I bought came with a free pipe piercing collar :D but it's a bit of a stretch to the back of the kitchen cupboard to turn it on and off all the time! :/ Looks...
  17. alexlark

    Ro System

    Hi guys, Does anyone know if it is ok to use a 1/4" ball valve (pic below) on a RO system instead of turning the main tap, that is connected to the copper pipe, on and off all the time? My plan is to leave the main tap on permanently and have the ball valve installed between the main tap and...
  18. alexlark

    Can Someone Id This?

    Thanks littleme1969! Luckily I have some Joe's juice here. I bought it a few months ago so it's been on standby since then :thumbs:
  19. alexlark

    Alex's 175l Conversion To Marine!

    Hi guys, haven't been on the site for a bit. The tank is coming along great. Didn't bother with a skimmer after. Just doing weekly water changes with RO water and I am also using LR rubble in an canister and some chemical filtration in a media bag. I'll get some pics up here when I get five mins ;)
  20. alexlark

    Can Someone Id This?

    Not good then! I'll get on the case of removing it before it spreads. Thanks!
  21. alexlark

    Can Someone Id This?

    Hi guys. This has been growing in my tank for the last month. It's gradually got bigger, big enough to now take a photo and show you! I'm not sure if it's a type of anemone?? It looks nice though! Can anyone help to ID it? Cheers
  22. alexlark

    100g Marine Without A Skimmer

    Just done a quick google search for the Berlin 90 and seems a reasonable price. Worth trying it out, better than not using one at all. I'm kinda in the same boat as you. I havent actually got a skimmer on my 180L marine tank and my nitrates are at a reasonable 5.0 due to weekly 10% water...
  23. alexlark

    100g Marine Without A Skimmer

    @ littleme1969 Can you tell me what skimmer you are thinking of using?
  24. alexlark

    100g Marine Without A Skimmer

    @ littleme1969 Love that tropical tank you got there!! I kinda miss mine now I've switched to marines. Still prefer marines more though! :D
  25. alexlark

    Planning My New Tank

    Nice one!! :D :D :D @ australia I would recommend changing that backround to a plain one. A plain blue backround looks much better for marines :good:
  26. alexlark

    New Salt Mod

    I vote SkiFletch :nod: Always gives A1 top advice! Keep up the good work!!
  27. alexlark

    Ceramics As Filter Media

    Much better to use LR rubble and ditch the ceramics :good:
  28. alexlark

    New To Marine Help Needed

    Around 78 degree C should be fine :good:
  29. alexlark

    Salinity Refractometer

    @ fatfishman - Looks OK. I bought mine off ebay. It came from Hong Kong and was only £20! And that was including P&P!!! @ SkiFletch - Do you keep your tank at 35ppt? (Just wondering as I've only had my tank set up for 4 weeks). Alex
  30. alexlark

    1 Week On - Cycling!

    Hi! Been busy the last 2 days. Bought 2kg of LR rubble for my canister on Monday. That takes the LR to 24Kg on a 175L setup! Tested my parameters this evening. And here we go - PH - 7.8 Amonia - 0 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 0 Phosphate - 0 I'm so pleased the way this has gone the last 2 weeks...
  31. alexlark

    Rusting Light Stand

    The brand "Hammerite" do some excellent anti rust spray paint. :good:
  32. alexlark

    Black Background

    I could never get the air bubbles out of mine. It also looked too shiny. Just pained it with blue emusion in the end. Only £2 for a small tin. Looks superb!!! :good:
  33. alexlark


    Hi! I used Aragonite. Just the normal stuff. If your using LR it will soon be seeded and become live. I wouldn't bother paying extra for the live stuff.
  34. alexlark

    Live Rock Purchase By Mail Order Or Not

    I would definately recommend I only live 15 miles away so I went there last Wednesday. Mainly a mail order place but boy did they have LOADS of LR there!! I hand picked 20Kg and they threw in an extra 2Kg! Plenty of life came with it. I've seen 3 crabs, a snail, bristle worms...
  35. alexlark

    1 Week On - Cycling!

    Many thanks for all your coments guys! I just needed a bit of reasurance that im on the right track! I'm gonna check my perameters later (will post them) and then again on Sat. After what has been said I will get my CUC on Sat and then a pair of clowns the week after (1st Dec!!) (I must get...
  36. alexlark

    1 Week On - Cycling!

    Thanks SkiFletch! I am going to re-test my perameters on Sat and if all is OK I will get my CUC. If everything is OK after another 2 weeks I will prob get a pair of clowns and see how I get on. I'm taking this nice and SLOWLY! :good: PS. Shall I just leave the stuff that is on the LR and let...
  37. alexlark

    1 Week On - Cycling!

    The LR I purchased was fully cured. It only took me 45mins to transport home and put in the tank. Almost all of the LR has purple coraline algea growing on it. One piece however has some green leaves growing on it (pic below). Should I have scrubbed this stuff off before placing it in the tank?
  38. alexlark

    1 Week On - Cycling!

    Hi guys! Well, I filled my 175L tank last weekend with freshly made RO water and then added the salt on Monday and checked the silanity with a refractometer. Added 22Kg of LR on Wednesday (planning on getting another 3kg of LR rubble for my canister). I also treated the tank with a product from...
  39. alexlark

    Hi All New To Site And Heres My Tank!

    Sounds cool!!!! Can't wait to see the pics! :drool:
  40. alexlark

    Skimmer Driving Me Nuts!

    Thanks for the advise!! :good: I decided to remove the skimmer after all. Cash is a bit tight at the moment (with xmas coming up!) so I am going to get a load of LR instead and let the tank cycle for a few weeks. I will keep you posted with my perameters when I have them. Thanks again...