Ceramics As Filter Media

In a word, no. In my opinion anyways; they trap large debris too easily. If you can rinse them frequently under water from the tank they came from, then they should work.
Agree with the above. It is hard to keep up with maintenance when life gets busy. The ceramis DO need to be rinsed clean and pulling apart everything once a week or more frequently is a pain. SH
I'm going to disagree here. It is not going to be once a week that ceramics need rinsing, probably more like once every 2-4 months. If you ensure you get a decent flow around the ceramics (like you do with live rock) then there is a fair chance that almost nothing will get caught on them. Their reputation as a nitrate factory came from people using them and never cleaning them out.

The most important thing to consider is exactly what you want the tank to contain. I would want ceramics or bioballs in a trickle tower if I am keeping large predatory fish, but the smaller bio-loads of nano tanks makes them less beneficial.

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