Alex's 175l Conversion To Marine!


Fish Fanatic
Feb 17, 2006
Reaction score
South Wales UK
So, after many, many, many, many hours of reading the stickies etc I have finally taken the plunge! I hope my journal inspires others as much as the other members journals have inspired myself. So without any more delay, here we go!

My current setup was a 175L 4FT freshwater tank. I have been keeping FW fish for the last 9 years so time for a change. The ultimate marine setup!!!

My plans are a FOWLR setup and then take it from there. Nothing too major (famous last words!! :lol: )

Tank first thing Sat morning 27/10/07:



This is after I took my FW fish back to the LFS for some store credit.


Now for a bit of cleaning!!



After one coat of blue paint (I was using a black "stick on" background before)


That takes me up to Sat night. So not too bad for a days work!!

Now Sun morning 28/10/07:

Electrical upgrade required!


And finished!!


As I am planning on mounting a V2 400 skimmer the other side of a 4" wall I needed a few fittings and pipe. Price £0!!! Off a mate!! :good:



And that concludes the start of the project. I have also fitted my RO filter so will have to get a pic of that on here too. So far so good! Let me know what you think.

Thats goona be sweet! That FW setup looked good but SW looks far better :p
Good luck man!
Thanks! I did have a few plants in there too. Growing around the bog wood. Fancied a new challenge! ;)
Oooh, this'll be fun to watch. Nice electrical work there :)
Thanks SkiFletch! I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to stuff like that!

Well, I was expecting my V2 skimmer and external pump today but the courier left a card so I will have to pick them up on Friday. More waiting..... :shout:
@ Matthew5664

Thanks for those there words of wisdom! I hope I like it! otherwise there will be a lot of new kit for sale! :sad:
Hi guys, haven't been on the site for a bit. The tank is coming along great. Didn't bother with a skimmer after. Just doing weekly water changes with RO water and I am also using LR rubble in an canister and some chemical filtration in a media bag. I'll get some pics up here when I get five mins ;)
If I where you I would consider a skimmer in a tank that size. It does not have to be expensize but believe me it makes the world of differance. I was a bit sus when I upgraded my 5ft tropical into a marine so I went with a £40 basic internal and I'm really glad I did. Its easy to use and does a great job of removing the rubbish from the water column. Considering I also use a large external filter with lots of rock rubble Carbon and filter floss I'm amazed just how much it removes and wouldnt run a tank without one now.

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