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  1. O

    Albino On Aquabid

    I thought it was just pure melano black that tends to produce sterile fish...and that it's the females that are sterile. I also read something about fry from the spawns turning fatal and and all dying out. But that's because of the source of the color. I don't think I've ever read anything...
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    Spawn Diary F1 - George & Pearl

    Okay, the babies are no longer in my hands. But I have no idea if their new mommy will be continuing this spawn diary. Just as a note, I did notice (but hadn't found the time to post) that the little guys were already showing signs of aggression. A few tails were damaged. And the aggression...
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    Babies Are Gone...

    The babies were passed on to their new home yesterday (Wed)....and I had been up for over 24 hours straight by the time I got back and got some, I'm just getting some of my e-mail. I have to say I'm ready to pull my hair out. After a misunderstanding with the fishies new mommy the...
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    Spawn Diary F1 - George & Pearl

    Ok, I wasn't going crazy. There ARE at least 2 DT's in the lot. But there has been a new development.... *I have removed the rest of this post as it is no longer valid info*
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    Babies Are Gone...

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    Quick Question

    Personally, I have some kind of specific reasons for loving bettas so much. 1. They come in SO many beautiful colors and patterns. 2. They have such unique personalities that I just haven't seen in many fish their size. 3. The way they move is so graceful the way the can bend their bodies...
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    Grrrrrr... I've Tried Everything! know, I had a problem with that "film" over my bettas water before. It seems to help if you give them at least a partial water change everyday (or just keeping the water surface broken as suggested by others). But it seems like the times I had it the worst was when I had a propane...
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    How Long Can Bettas Go Without Food?

    Well, it looks like everything I was going to say has already pretty much been said...but I'm going to say it anyway. :D An adult fish that has been fed regularly up the point when the feedings stop can go for up to 2 weeks with no obvious ill effects. Also, those feeder blocks really are a...
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    Are Mirriors Ok?

    From what I understand, it's a normal practice for those who show their fish to allow them to see each other for an hour at feeding times. A mirror is simply a substitute for having "neighbors" to flare at and such. I've left male bettas in full view of each other without a break with no ill...
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    Java Moss?

    As far as I know it's mainly just used for planting spawning tanks and such. Since it really isn't an ornamental plant, I don't think the LFS ever sell it. After all, their customer base is the general pet-keeping hobbyist, not the breeders. But it's an EXCELLENT plant for betta...
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    Babies Are Gone...

    Hmm. That link didn't work. But anyways...I've already posted this on the spawn diary...but for anyone who hasn't read it.... I've found a home for the babies with someone who is going to pick them up so I don't have to ship them. :D I'm hoping their new mommy will continue the spawn diary...
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    Spawn Diary F1 - George & Pearl

    Well, let's see, they hatched on the 18th of Jan...and I fly out on the 11th of this month...I guess they'd be close to a month, huh? Anyways....I found a home for the little guys and they won't have to be shipped. YAY I'm not sure if their new mommy will be inspired to continue this spawn...
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    Babies Are Gone...

    Okay, these guys are now exceeding the 1/4 inch mark. Apparently, I miscounted early on. It appears that the number is closer to 60, but no more than 70 (I'm sure). And I have confirmed that there is at least one DT starting to develop.
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    Spawn Diary F1 - George & Pearl

    Well, it appears I may have miscounted the fry when they were newly hatched. Now that they are leaving the safety of the plants to wander in open water more, it appears that there may actually be about 60. I'm still trying to get an accurate count. They are growing quite fast, though. The...
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    Babies Are Gone...

    If you're unfamiliar with, it's an auction site...kinda like eBay for fish. So there isn't a set price that I'm asking. I've started the bidding at $5 for each of the adults and put what I figured the shipping costs would be in the details of the auctions (can't remember the exact...
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    Spawn Diary F1 - George & Pearl

    Yeah, I wanted to make sure that everyone on there knew that I had babies I needed a home for in case they weren't already members on this forum.
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    Babies Are Gone...

    Ok. I haven't written you off the list or anything. Well, a couple people had suggested that I might be able to sell the adults on Aquabid and get back at least some of the money I lost in getting this far back into the hobby. So I have listed them there. But if they don't sell, my original...
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    Spawn Diary F1 - George & Pearl

    Thanks. :) Well, these guys are growing a lot faster than I thought they were. I've even noticed the early signs of DT developing on a couple that I got a closer look at. The tank is completely full now, so I've begun the daily water changes. :S But they're big enough now that I don't...
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    Spawn Diary F1 - George & Pearl

    I had thought about shipping the adults to myself, but I can't afford to. Someone else on here suggested maybe taking them with me in my luggage so they wouldn't have quite as long a trip as they would if I shipped them. But I will be staying with my mother-in-law probably until the fall, and...
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    Babies Are Gone...

    Yeah, I wasn't going to try to ship the babies all in one bag. I'm not cheap. I'm just trying to keep the whole process of shipping everybody to their new home(s) as simple as possible. I have no idea if there is one here. When I had my male shipped in he had to go through a transhipper on...
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    Spawn Diary F1 - George & Pearl

    Update: I finally managed to get an accurate measurment of one these little guys. They are right at half a centimeter...not quite a quarter inch. ...more later.
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    Babies Are Gone...

    Sorry if it took awhile to post this. I've been chatting on Messenger with my husband while trying to get stuff done online. Anyway, I'm trying to make this as fair as possible to all involved while also keeping in mind what's best for the babies. So, here are my criteria: 1. I'm not...
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    Babies Are Gone...

    Yeah, that's the reason I'm not looking forward to living where he's dragging me to...but who knows where we'll end up after college.
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    Babies Are Gone...

    Okay, I decided maybe I better post a separate topic to let everybody know what's going on. Just the other day, my husband and I decided to reconcile and try to save our marriage. I had thought that HE wanted a divorce. Somewhere along the line, he came to the conclusion that I wanted the...
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    Spawn Diary F1 - George & Pearl

    I have noticed a few 'runts' already. And there are a few that are already starting to really outgrow everybody else. Depending on how much longer I'm able to raise them, I may have to move the largest ones to my 'stand-by' tank, which is already planted with live plants (and a few snails)...
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    Betta Out Of Water

    Well, I personally believe that it's better not to add anything to the water that they wouldn't have in their native environment unless it's absolutely necessary...but that's just me. I would have liked to have found SOMETHING worthy of quoting...but immediately after beginning this quest for...
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    Bettas In Thier Own Little World?

    I totally agree!
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    Gabriel's Spawn Diary -- F2

    Synirr, I'm not sure if you ever figured out who I was. I meant to PM you or e-mail you and...kinda got side-tracked. Long story short, I'm trying to reconcile with my husband and will be moving soon and don't know when I'll be able to really get back into the hobby....anyway, I won't be able...
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    Spawn Diary F1 - George & Pearl

    Well...had a lot of trouble with my brine shrimp. Finally got some to start hatching yesterday. Unfortunately, I cannot finish this project. After thinking that my marriage was over and there was nothing I could do to save it...I am now reconciling with my husband. However, this means that I...
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    Betta Out Of Water

    Okay, I may be on a wild goose chase here. But I'm not giving up just yet. It's looking as though the information I received may have been a rumor gone too far, started by competing companies. I think it's only fair to note, however, that while there may exist no substantiated documentation...
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    Betta Out Of Water

    My choice of water conditioners are NovAqua and Amquel. Of course I am on a private well right now and really don't have to worry too much about chemicals or heavy metals in the water. But I do keep a bottle of AmQuel Plus on hand. It removes chlorine & chloramines, ammonia, nitrate and...
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    Hmm. Well, commercial buildings are a bit different. Since nobody sleeps there (or at least in most cases. lol), unless there is a night cleaning crew or something, heat is at a minimum necessary to protect assets and keep costs down. So a betta kept without a heater in a private residence...
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    Look Who's Next On My Spawning List!

    All I can say is WOW. Wish I had one as stunning as Rudolph! :wub:
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    Spawn Diary F1 - George & Pearl

    It has been brought to my attention that my usual colored font is not easy to read. I would be happy to repost the details so far, if that will help. Otherwise, in the interest of conserving space, I will simply continue on from here. :D
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    Betta Colour

    I have seen photos of pure velvety black bettas before. I've also read in many different places that pure melano blacks cannot be line bred because the females are inherently infertile. :(
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    Prepared Fry Foods; Gp/nobs/atison's, Etc.

    Personally, I don't use prepared fry foods at all. So, I can't really say how well they do. One caveat, however; prepared foods such as powders, flakes, etc. DO decay faster in the water and usually tend to contribute to cloudiness, excessive ammonia and bacterial growth. If you have to use...
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    Bettas In Thier Own Little World?

    Actually, that is only true if they are housed with the SAME other females at the store. Whether or not they were still sharing a tank with other females, whenever you place two or more unfamiliar fish in the same tank, they will establish a pecking order. This means fights. Sometimes the...
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    Well, what can I say? What works for one, doesn't work for all. Honestly, most of what I know about fish comes from reading a lot. But I have kept many bettas before that were healthy and active at room temp in gallon and half-gallon containers. When you have limited space, limited...
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    New Babies -- Born 1/13/06

    Look at her tail fin. You will see a number of rays steming from the base. As the fin develops, these rays form a 'Y'...that is primary branching. Where they seem to split again is the secondary branching...and on and on. :D
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    Betta Out Of Water

    This information was presented to me a few YEARS ago, so I'll have to find it for you. But I will post it here as SOON as I can find it. ...and if I can't find it...I will say so. Fair 'nuf? :)