Grrrrrr... I've Tried Everything!


Bettas Eh?
Oct 10, 2005
Reaction score
Lowestoft, UK
The Film On The Surface Of My Gallon Tanks Keeps Coing Back Within A Few Hours!!!
I Pull It All Out And Then It Comes Back Again?
Can Bettas Breathe Through This As I Assume They Can't :/

Do you have any water movement going on in there from say a filter or airstone? I used to get it in the last section of a divided tank which was furthest from the filter so I added another one the other end and never get it now. I have filters in all my tanks even with males and they are fine with the flow, in fact some actively swim in it :lol:

They can breath through the scum but it just looks unsightly :sick:
I think your just talking about dust and such gathering on the top of the water? Yes it gathers very quickly.

I had glass tops that kept alot fo the dust off the water, but some still got in becuase of the air openings in the glass.

I got tired to changing my 5 gallons every week and a month ago went up to a 2 10G with filtration and its been a much more enjoyable experience and the my Bettas love the extra room and current.

It took a day or two for them to get used to the small current becuase they were used to still water. But the exercise of keeping up was good was them. The current doesnt bother them at all anymore. Infact the opposite now.

You hear about how Bettas live well in small tanks, but theyre noticeably more active, look brighter and healthier in the 10G

A catfish is also in each tank. know, I had a problem with that "film" over my bettas water before. It seems to help if you give them at least a partial water change everyday (or just keeping the water surface broken as suggested by others). But it seems like the times I had it the worst was when I had a propane heater in the room where my fish were. You know some heating sources can cause a film to settle on the surface of any standing water. Is that a possibility, you think? :/
i thought the film was something that the bettas naturally produce?
something i read somewhere

both my unfiltered tanks get it, one more so than the other.
doesn't seem to bother the fish at all.
Are you talking about the Happy Bubbles?
Thanks Everyone For The Replies :) Went out and bought a small airpump for £3.00 at lfs and i change it over every couple of hours to kep it off :D


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