Albino On Aquabid


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
Reaction score
*Whimper* :-(

EDIT: If only it were Christmas time, that would be the only gift I'd ask for... I keep looking at it and feel like I'm going to explode with envy and longing :|
Oh my.

At first glance of this thread I thought "Well why on earth does she have a sad face, it's exactly what she wanted...."

Then I clicked the link :blink: This one should be fun to watch!
Anybody got a spare $250? :whistle:
EDIT: Amerce -- Possible, but doubtful. That's one reason I wouldn't risk spending that much on him (besides the fact I'm broke, lol). I've heard rumour they're sterile, but albinism isn't really consistently linked with it so I'm not convinced it's true. It certainly isn't always true, as I've seen an albino geno fish produced before by a breeder on another forum. With albinism what you really have to worry about is eyesight.

Edit: Oh geez, I just noticed I rolled around to 5000 posts about 73 posts ago! I missed the magic moment
I thought it was just pure melano black that tends to produce sterile fish...and that it's the females that are sterile. I also read something about fry from the spawns turning fatal and and all dying out. But that's because of the source of the color. I don't think I've ever read anything about albinism being linked to sterility in bettas. :/

Ya know what, I can't help but notice no one has bid on him yet. I have to wonder if anyone WILL. The last auction for live fish that I saw on there go for that much was actually a PAIR that went for $300. I remember it was an extended red of some sort...seems like it was a lavender BF or something. I DO remember that the BF pattern was even on the pectorals. I'd never seen that before.

Meh, I'm sure you can wangle that much by, um, tomorrow :look: Sell all the babies you can lay your hands on, get rid of a few family heirlooms, kidnap a few children to sell as chimmney sweeps :unsure: Although, if it doesn't get any bids, you might be able to haggle :shifty:
For that amount of money i'd want a fish with perfect finnage!! I wouldn't spend that on him.. :/ Just cos he has pink eyes?? Looks like its from the camera flash to me :rolleyes: :lol:

But still.. If you collect rare fish and have money to spare, why not? :D

Oooh,and i had a melano female who i got lots of lovely fry from! :D unfortunately they died cos the heater broke and they froze though :(
That's a whole heap 'o' money for an albino and I can't say I'd pay a tenth for him. He's just not that beautiful. Sorry lil fishy.
:hyper: Are you sure they got the price right??????? Maybe they added a nought by mistake!!! :D
You should see if you can make a private deal with the seller if it doesn't seel on aquabid... just a thought.

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