How Long Can Bettas Go Without Food?


New Member
Jan 31, 2006
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I'm going on vacation in early March for about 6-7 days. Would my bettas be OK without food for this time? Any suggestions? I am at school so I'm not sure if I could find someone to feed them during that time.
HI. I think your bettas will be fine. I've done the same thing before and came back and they were all alive and well. I even did twice that long with guppies though I fed them once in the middle during a quick stop home and suffered no casualties.

You could always get one of those sinkable delayed food stones. They're only good if tanks have filtration to move the water around though if I remember properly.

IMO Your fish would be much better off with out a feeding stone. All they do is muck up your tank. Up to 2 weeks in as long as I would chance it it go with out food, but I have know of people who have been gone a month and come back to find out that the person who is to feed forgot and there fish are fine. On the other hand I also have heard about people who have had a person come in and feed there fish every bad come home to a dead tank becouse of over feeding and no tank up keep. :-( I would just feed him well and clean his tank the day before you leave, then feed him the morning before you go. When you come back do a water change right away and feed. Good Luck!

IMO Your fish would be much better off with out a feeding stone. All they do is muck up your tank. Up to 2 weeks in as long as I would chance it it go with out food, but I have know of people who have been gone a month and come back to find out that the person who is to feed forgot and there fish are fine. On the other hand I also have heard about people who have had a person come in and feed there fish every bad come home to a dead tank becouse of over feeding and no tank up keep. :-( I would just feed him well and clean his tank the day before you leave, then feed him the morning before you go. When you come back do a water change right away and feed. Good Luck!
7 days is okay. . . you'll be fine w/o feeding them. But if you're really worried then try to find someone to come in the middle of the 7 days and get them some pellets.

I used a tropical feeding block once in my puffer tank. I came home a week later to a filthy tank and a cross puffer. He obviously didnt like the food and would rather do without.

I always make sure my tanks are clean and have fresh plants in. I also cover all my tanks and hide the food. I have other animals that people come in to feed and I worry in case anyone over feeds the fish!
I usually do a water change and feed my bettas well right before a long trip. I've gone on trips for 7-10 days with no problems.
Well, it looks like everything I was going to say has already pretty much been said...but I'm going to say it anyway. :D

An adult fish that has been fed regularly up the point when the feedings stop can go for up to 2 weeks with no obvious ill effects. Also, those feeder blocks really are a bad idea because they aren't necessary and they DO muck up the water and cause ammonia to spike in smaller aquaria. That can be really dangerous in small betta tanks or bowls (not sure what you're using).

My advice would be to feed them especially well for the last week or two before your vacation. STOP feeding the day BEFORE you leave so that they can purge prior to their last water change. Then make sure you change their water before you go. That way, they'll be nice and plump, so they won't even come close to starving....and they also won't be contributing anything significant to the ammonia in their water until you get back and resume regular feedings.

...just my two cents there.


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