Java Moss?


New Member
Jan 31, 2006
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Anyone happen to have a tiny bit they could ship to me? I can't find it anywhere in the pet stores and it's insanely expensive on eBay and way more than I need. I just need a little bit for my betta bowls. I'd be willing to pay for shipping.
I've been on a mad search for some java moss too!! Apparently it's out of season right now. . . . . or so a person told me.
how can a live aquarium plant be out of season? People might not want to ship it in the winter, but the plant itself shouldn't be out of season... mine's still growing well ;)


EDITED: meant aquarium plant...not plastic plant :S ;)
Man, I threw out a 5 gallon bucket of the stuff a couple months ago :/
Next time I have extra I'll let everyone know. I can't even give the stuff away around here and would be more the happy to ship it off for the price of postage :alien:
That's great Waldo!!! I've been shipping packages of Hornwort to people on TFF for the price of postage. $4.05 for priority mail. I'm expecting a shipment of Salvinia from aquabid soon. I'd be willing to ship that out to people too.
OK not good on plants. I just buy prettiest looking. Seen Java Moss what is it and why is it so good?
OK not good on plants. I just buy prettiest looking. Seen Java Moss what is it and why is it so good?

As far as I know it's mainly just used for planting spawning tanks and such. Since it really isn't an ornamental plant, I don't think the LFS ever sell it. After all, their customer base is the general pet-keeping hobbyist, not the breeders. But it's an EXCELLENT plant for betta spawning/nursery tanks. It gives the female something soft to hide in/behind/whatever if the male gets too aggressive. And it's usually a good source of first food for the fry too since so many teeny tiny organisms are living off of it. You just want to make sure that you quarantine it for a couple of weeks first to make sure it isn't also carrying predators that might kill the fry.

When I got mine, it wasn't submersed in a bag of water. It was wrapped in a wet paper towel inside the baggie (not sure why). But despite this, it seeded my tank with common brown snails, scuds (don't know how they survived) and a number of very VERY tiny organisms.

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