Spawn Diary F1 - George & Pearl

I have noticed a few 'runts' already. And there are a few that are already starting to really outgrow everybody else. Depending on how much longer I'm able to raise them, I may have to move the largest ones to my 'stand-by' tank, which is already planted with live plants (and a few snails) that I managed to VERY carefully remove once everyone was freeswimming and a sponge filter that should be established by the time I have to move anyone in there.

So far, I have only attempted to siphon out debris once...which went fairly well with the exception of one of the fry getting sucked up and out to the bucket. After replacing him in the tank he appeared to have been injured and could not swim properly. So, I have my first KNOWN loss. Since siphoning water out is still pretty risky at this point, I'm just going to continue adding water (using the airline tube thing) until the tank is completely full unless it becomes critical to remove waste. But so far, the snails and scuds (and of course the sponge filter) have done a very nice job of keeping the tank clean and I DO have an ammoia alert in the tank, which has yet to indicate a problem there.

The airflow to the sponge filter is still pretty low right now since the babies still aren't strong enough swimmers for me to turn it up. But I plan to adjust the airflow very gradually as I see that they may be able to handle the change.

It's impossible to get a good count right now. They are so small and have so many spaces to hide in between plant leaves and all...invariably, there are always some shy ones just out of view. And since they just CAN'T sit still for the count... But so far as I can tell, I haven't had any noticeable loss. The one I lost due to cleaning of the tank may very well have been the ONLY loss so far. SO...whoever adopts all these little guys will have about 45-50 of them on their hands (if my initial count was accurate and the move doesn't cause any significant losses). *keeping her fingers crossed*
Yikes, I wouldn't want to be in your shoes, trying to find homes for all the fishies! Best of luck to you and your husband though! If no one else anywhere closer is able to take the fry and any adults you haven't found homes for, worst comes to worse, feel free to ship them to me. I've got the room if you don't have any other options :). I don't know what your circumstances are, but if you want to keep any of the adults maybe you could ship them to your new residence? Just a thought
Update: I finally managed to get an accurate measurment of one these little guys. They are right at half a centimeter...not quite a quarter inch. ...more later.
I had thought about shipping the adults to myself, but I can't afford to. Someone else on here suggested maybe taking them with me in my luggage so they wouldn't have quite as long a trip as they would if I shipped them. But I will be staying with my mother-in-law probably until the fall, and I don't know how cold they would get at night...but I don't think they'd be quite warm enough there even during the day. The insulation isn't what it could be and nobody can afford to keep the place that warm. I know bettas can be kept healthy at lower than ideal temperatures...but I'm not sure any of my 3 adults are tolerant enough of lower temperatures to handle it.

Once I get moved into the housing on campus where my husband is, it shouldn't be a problem for me to keep bettas...breeding them is another thing altogether, though. I won't know whether or not that will happen until I see how much time and money I have to devote to it.

Well those are gorgeous parents and i'd be willing to pay for shipping for a male or female or both to be sent out to me here in south dakota. Beautiful parents indeed otherworldone. :wub:

Thanks. :)

Well, these guys are growing a lot faster than I thought they were. I've even noticed the early signs of DT developing on a couple that I got a closer look at. The tank is completely full now, so I've begun the daily water changes. :S But they're big enough now that I don't really have to worry about them getting sucked up if I'm using the small siphon to clean up the debris. The problem is keeping from sucking them up in the larger siphon when I'm trying to remove water a little faster after I've cleaned up the bottom of the tank.

Wouldn't you know it, NOW George is building bubble nests. It figures! :<

Well, I had a couple of people suggest that I might be able to get something for the adult fish on Aquabid, so I went ahead and listed them. If they don't sell, then my original plan for them still stands. They'll be offered first to whoever adopts the babies and then I'll go from there.
Hey, I just came here through a link in aquabid on one of your auctions!
Well, it appears I may have miscounted the fry when they were newly hatched. Now that they are leaving the safety of the plants to wander in open water more, it appears that there may actually be about 60. I'm still trying to get an accurate count.

They are growing quite fast, though. The majority of them are now exceeding 1/4 inch and they seem to gobble up the brine shrimp almost as fast as I can harvest them for feedings. I still have my vinegar eels on stand-by in the narrow-neck bottle in case I'm short on brine shrimp and have to harvest some of those in a hurry. But I seem to have the brine shrimp under control now with two containers on air and a third off air for harvesting at all times, and I'll be adding a fourth tomorrow as soon as I can change out the gang valve from 2 to 3 for the brine shrimp.

It's still difficult to get the little guys where I can really see their fins for inspection. But I know for sure that there is at least one DT developing. I'll try to find something solid-colored to put against the back of the tank to make it a little easier to make out the rays on their tail fins.
Gahh, that just, sucks. Sometimes timing is off, but I wish you the best of luck with your marriage... it is a tad bit more important than fish. >_<

hrm. Well, I would take them if you could ship them as 1 week-olds. I really do fear that they'd die at this age. Is there any way you could wait until they're 1 month? I live in Cali... which is not far away. ^_^ Oh, how my parents would kill me.
hrm. Well, I would take them if you could ship them as 1 week-olds. I really do fear that they'd die at this age. Is there any way you could wait until they're 1 month? I live in Cali... which is not far away. ^_^ Oh, how my parents would kill me.

Well, let's see, they hatched on the 18th of Jan...and I fly out on the 11th of this month...I guess they'd be close to a month, huh?

Anyways....I found a home for the little guys and they won't have to be shipped. YAY I'm not sure if their new mommy will be inspired to continue this spawn diary. But in case she is, I will continue to post until they leave me.

On that note...

The little guys are outgrowing the largest of my scuds now. I was absolutely certain that I saw a developing DT....but I haven't been able to find it again. It is odd that there would be only a handful of them amongst 60 fry. But not all of the eggs were fertilized and not all of those I guess that would have messed up the statistics. But if it's the ONLY one....not sure what to say.

They have dorsals and anals now! These fins are just popping up on the last of the smaller fry. But the larger ones have had them for a few days now. ...sorry about the delay in posting this...lot of stuff going on for me. looks like all of them are dark-bodied. So, they may turn out 100% multi. But if they're bred back to each other, they should produce at least SOME offspring that are the colors of the parents of this spawn. I haven't sat down and tried to figure out the percentages that could be expected. But you should at least be able to get a few good pairs of each of the color types...depending of course on the total number of offspring produced.
Ok, I wasn't going crazy. There ARE at least 2 DT's in the lot. But there has been a new development....

*I have removed the rest of this post as it is no longer valid info*
Okay, the babies are no longer in my hands. But I have no idea if their new mommy will be continuing this spawn diary.

Just as a note, I did notice (but hadn't found the time to post) that the little guys were already showing signs of aggression. A few tails were damaged. And the aggression I saw was outright poising to strike and then using full force. I assume the early aggressiveness is due to the complete absence of the father. I've read that in experiments where the father was left with the offspring until they reached adulthood, the aggression was kept minimal until that time.

Anyway...I guess this will be my last post here.


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