Betta Out Of Water

Okay, I may be on a wild goose chase here. But I'm not giving up just yet. It's looking as though the information I received may have been a rumor gone too far, started by competing companies. I think it's only fair to note, however, that while there may exist no substantiated documentation to support 'the rumor', there seem also to be none to support the BENEFITS of using this product other than speeding healing of wounds. However, speeding healing and enhancing the protective slime coat are two different things, and there is more to consider about adding aloe to the tank water.

While I haven't found any real documentation as to the 'danger' of Stress Coat, I have come across a few interesting things. I found reference to fish loss, difficulty breathing, etc. posted by other hobbyists on another forum site (though I'm not sure that's any better). Someone said that Stress Coat killed a tank of 5" discus immediately after it was added. I also found information suggesting that the aloe vera in Stress Coat adds to the organic waste in the tank resulting in additional ammonia as the organic aloe breaks down in the water. Other information I found stated that fish can suffocate from their own natural slime coat if it becomes excessive (which leads right back to the question of the safety of adding an artificial slime coat). Until I can find something more substantial, you might look at this:

Keep in mind that some of the comments are made by the seems all the information out there for or against ANY of these products is quoted from the manufacturers or their competitors. I'm finding no laboratory test results, university studies...nothing!
My girl just survived an hour and a half out of water, could have been longer.. she was crispy dry when i found her stuck to the floor.. shes done amazingly well, i set her up in a hospital tank with 0.1% salt while she soaked water backup and the next day she had rapid finrot and her fins were almost gone, so i dosed with anti finrot + fungus med and salted to 0.2%, and that took a about 10 days to clear up.. now about 2 weeks later shes is doing very well, shes still in hospital tank with 0.1% salt and just started her on a bit of melaxfix to help the healing of her fins (they arent infected anymore but are still a bit rotty looking) she has fin rays growing back now so its looking good.. hopefully she will be back as the queen of the tropical community in no time :D

You shouldnt use stress coat after a fish has jumped, not straight away, as if the gills are dried a bit, it will coat the gills and stop them from becoming healthy again.
I've used Stress Coat when doing water changes for my betta fry ever since I've had betta fry, including the wild species. I use about twice the required amount for the first couple of water changes just to be safe. Before fry develop gills they absorb oxygen through their skin, so I assure you, if there were any danger of them suffocating from having too thick a slime coat, mine would have been long since dead :lol:
If it's safe enough to use a double dose on betta fry that are less than a week old, I think it's safe enough for anything.
I've used Stress Coat when doing water changes for my betta fry ever since I've had betta fry, including the wild species. I use about twice the required amount for the first couple of water changes just to be safe. Before fry develop gills they absorb oxygen through their skin, so I assure you, if there were any danger of them suffocating from having too thick a slime coat, mine would have been long since dead :lol:
If it's safe enough to use a double dose on betta fry that are less than a week old, I think it's safe enough for anything.

Well, I personally believe that it's better not to add anything to the water that they wouldn't have in their native environment unless it's absolutely necessary...but that's just me.

I would have liked to have found SOMETHING worthy of quoting...but immediately after beginning this quest for the quote I kinda got side-tracked. To get straight to the point, I'm trying to reconcile with my husband and save my marriage after thinking there was no chance and haven't had the time to do much besides deal with that and what I have to do now to prepare to move...again.

So, I will have to concede and just move on.

As a side note...since I have to move...and soon...I need any help I can get to find a home for my babies. I'm posting all the important info on my spawn diary to keep from having to repeat myself too much...if anyone is interested or can help me find someone who is....the closer to my location in Washington, the better. Thanks everybody.

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