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    Nope. The fish I get from there live for ages, id say about 7 years so far..
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    Planted Tank Questions..

    TY for the reply. Is Co2 needed? that's something I don't want to venture into. Fertilizer and good lights are do-able, but not that.
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    Adding Rocks To An Aquarium....

    I always boil mine then add them to the tank. No other tests.. haven't lost a fish to date. I recently bought new rocks at my LFS, because they're polished. I hear some people on here say that some rocks contain minerals that leech off and are bad.. i believe putting a drop of vinegar on each...
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    Planted Tank Questions..

    Im still thinking of adding some plants to my 10G tank (which only houses a betta and a cory right now) I have a few questions though. Because of the nature of my tank's hood, I can't use florescent tubes. However, the LFS store does sell suitable bulbs that will do the trick. Im not sure about...
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    What To Add?

    Um.. 3 cory cats would be fine, the poster above said 6 but ive had fine experiences with 3. Each to their own I guess.
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    Rosy Red Minnows, Community Tank..

    Since a recent ammonia fiasco, im left with the task of restocking my 10G. I'll be starting soon, but that depends on water stats. I currently have one male betta and 1 albino cory in the tank. I plan on buying more cories to keep the single albino company. While at the LFS a week ago I was...
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    While The Board Was Down One Of My Platies Passed

    Lost all 3 of mine to this, it was ammonia.
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    Corydoras Question..

    Hmm, knew that. Guess i'll buy more. They don't all have to be the same kind, do they? I'd like to mix a few different kinds for some color. (mine is albino, im thinking peppered or panda.)
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    Corydoras Question..

    Due to an ammonia issue I lost the majority of the fish in my ten gallon tank. As it stabilizes i'll be buying new stock. Unfortunately, ive had bad luck with cories and only have one left. If I dont buy her any friends, is she going to be terribly unhappy? (space is restricted in this tank, but...
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    As stated above the one gallon is good for a betta. An airpump (or sponge filter even) is a great addition to a tank that small, but if you decide on a betta you may want to leave it out, as they are sensitive to currents and I assume that in a smaller tank he'd get thrown about. Good luck :)
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    Petsmart sells good 1G kits, may want to look into that. They would make great betta homes and don't hit the wallet any more than the other ones you posted from what I can remember. Ah. Here we go. I've tried the betta hexes before...
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    Don't Know About You But I'd Like To Hear Some Of The

    My old amano shrimp once attacked my betta for a piece of flake food. The betta never did pick on the shrimp again, now that I think of it :lol:
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    Ammonia Levels..

    He used a set that appeared to be color based, not numerical (the ammonia test showed it was high by the water turning dark green.) Perhaps there are numbers.. Anyhow.. Thank you for the tips. I am unsure how I can add my air pump, as it'll toss my betta around. I suppose i'll have to wait and...
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    Ammonia Levels..

    I brought my water to be tested at the lfs. He didnt give me levels but said I had toxic amounts of ammonia in my tank. To prevent further fish loss I vacuumed my gravel and did a 50% water change (too much I know.) I added ammo lock and cycle to the water. My fish still look quite ill. Can I...
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    arent adf's illegal in some parts of the states, too?
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    Colored Lights?

    Yes- thet color the tank. It looks pretty cool actually. By the sounds of it ill be sticking to regular lighting though.
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    Cycling With Platy's?

    On the flipside all of mine died when i used them.. :X
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    Strange Problem..

    No, no objects were added to the tank. Same food as usual. No changes that I can think of. The tank has been established 7-8 months. It is a 10 US gallon that was full, but not quite overstocked- 3 cories, 3 platys, the betta and the adf/shrimp. I have not had trouble changing filter pads in...
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    Java Moss..

    :P thats where i got the idea from but i wasnt sure if one layer would work, in the tutorial it's doubled over.
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    Can A Red Devil Make Friends?..

    Glad they get along. I hate when you put the effort in and then they just fight. :crazy:
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    My First Tank Ever

    I agree. Lower it a tad. Also if it isnt completely submerged it can roast your tank- eek!
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    Fish In The Bathroom Sink

    judging by the fact you want something hardy and that bettas really cant deal w/ current, then i'd go with some zebra danios. not only are they hardy, they're cheap, flashy and currents arent as harsh on them. how will the water cycle through this contraption? surely it wont be pure tapwater..
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    Java Moss..

    From what i understand, java moss wont grow on gravel alone. can i use the plastic from berry containers (you know, the green meshy stuff) to hold the moss down so it grows to be a carpet? i could tangle the moss in it or something with it pinned under the plastic then put down in the gravel...
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    My Tank

    looks good to me. nice big tanks there. add some plants (or let those grow out) and i think ur setup will look great. i can relate to the cash thing!
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    Colored Lights?

    The javas are the only ones i plan on adding, that's okay. Maybe some java ferns too, but they'd be okay if the moss was. I had pink/red lights and it never seemed to bother the fish. Thanks.
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    Stocking New 350 Gallon Aquarium

    oh man. id love to toss 50 platys in there and have like 5000 in a few months. apologies though- ive got no suggestions.
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    Bottom Dwellers

    i would say 3 minimal. others may say 5, but i think 3 is well suited for your tank- they wont get lonely. flakes and wafers will do fine, thats what mine get.
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    To Catch A Fish...

    two nets.. or simply corner them and let them swim into the net on their own will.. or do what i do, get your net caught on decorations and spend 20 mins cursing at the cory that has herself prppped behind a rock. :lol:
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    Strange Problem..

    about 2 months ago, 3 of my platys got sick. their gills were red and flaring, and they all stopped eating. this had happened to one of them before and anti parasite meds did the trick. all 3 had the tell-tale white poop that goes along with parasites. so i treated again. this didnt work. i...
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    For the last trip we took, the neighbors would come daily and give the cats food and water, along with tending to the fish tanks.
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    Petsmart Opinions?

    i agree with the post above. ive read nasty things about wal mart on here but my local wal mart has sold me fish that are currently 7 years old.
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    Colored Lights?

    tomorrow i am heading to the lfs to purchase some java moss in my first attempt with live plants. i am selecting java moss because i hear that they are easy to maintain for a beginner. most impotantly because they require no special lighting. which brings me to this: my lfs sells colored...
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    Petsmart Opinions?

    Petsmart here in Toronto has inferior stock and whenever I buy fish from there they bring a fungus/parasite/ bacterial infection with them. No thx.
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    Sick Platy!

    Okay guys its been a few days and she STILL isnt eating, but she's still alive. Sulking more now, doesnt really move off the gravel unless she's chased. Another member suggested a parasite. Her poop is white now. Could this be the cause? I have a medication that says it can be used to "treat...
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    Sick Platy!

    No- her spine is not curved. No direct water stats but I do weekly changes, and as stated all the others are in decent health. She didnt eat this morning, either.. looking thinner.
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    Sick Platy!

    Hopefully someone can help before its too late.. I have 3 platys in my tank. Female mickey mouse platys. They're all about 3-4 months old. On and off ive been having troubles with some white spots appearing on their body- ive treated with antibacterial, anti fungal and ich remedies.. nothing...
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    Too Cold

    I wouldnt worry. My heater spazzed and heats my tank to be too warm. I havent had a heater for a while now and they're okay.( wont get one in the near future). Ive had entire tanks without heaters and the fish lived long lives. My only concern would be that since its a small tank (mine are...
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    Strange Fungus..

    they start as grains of sand but become large and fluffy looking. only one per fish.
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    Frogs In My Tank

    Mine's a couple of years old. He's figured out that if the cories are near what he wants, he can just nip at them and they go away. :/
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    Frogs In My Tank

    I love these frogs but to be honest they're dumb as rocks. Good luck with the advice here. Mine eats flakes and such off the bottem, seems to be doing fair.