What To Add?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2005
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heelo, my tank is a 50 liter 12 gallon containing 5 guppies. They are very nice but the tank seems a bit empty at the moment so i was wondering what fish i should add to the tank to fill the space a bit. my water is PH 7.6 and is quite hard at around 14-16 GH. The tempreture is 25 degrees.

any ideas?
Well you don't want to overstock the tank (duh...my tanks probably overstocked though :p)
perhaps a bronze cory cat or some kuhlii loaches...not to sure but a bottom feeder might be a good addition
the tanks to small for corys as you need 6 of them for them to feel safe.

how about some neon tetras very bright colourfull fun fish
yeah i thought about neons, i will be upgrading the tank at christmas to a 180 liter aswell so i can get bottom feeders then
If you want to get bottom feeders get kuhlii's :D
and then try and get a huge ambulia plant for them..mine lie in the ambulia all day Lol
Guppies and neon tetras I know nothing about never owned them so can't help you there on tank size and stuff
Um.. 3 cory cats would be fine, the poster above said 6 but ive had fine experiences with 3. Each to their own I guess.
Yep. I love Corydoras. Nearly as much as my Betta.

I have had a minimum of three, and although the really are noticably more confident the more you have, they will be happy enough in a school of three. And in a fifty litre aquarium, your not likely to lose them for days on end.

I'd go for a few Corys...

I have 9 myself, 6 Bronze and three Albino, but I want more. Maybe another 2 Albino, and 5 Panda...
Kuhlis are great, but for them to be truelly active and comfortable, you really need to have at least 5, and that tank won't be big enough. I started out with one, not knowing any better and never saw it. Upped it to three, and barely ever saw them, and now that I have eight I'm sick and tired of seeing them! :lol: Great fish, but needs to be with buddies and needs some space since they are very active bottom dwellers.
Silver and black mollies get on well with guppies, so they would be a good choice.
Mollies need a brackish water tank.

Maybe pgymy cories but other cories would be ok aswel or khulies.

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