Colored Lights?


Fish Crazy
Jan 16, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
tomorrow i am heading to the lfs to purchase some java moss in my first attempt with live plants. i am selecting java moss because i hear that they are easy to maintain for a beginner. most impotantly because they require no special lighting.

which brings me to this: my lfs sells colored lightbulbs. these are the same as normal ones, but they have a tinted exterior(blue, red, etc..). im assumin since they are the same wattage as my current normal bulbs they are okay to use.. but im posting to make sure- will these negatively affect (slow growth/kill) java moss?
tomorrow i am heading to the lfs to purchase some java moss in my first attempt with live plants. i am selecting java moss because i hear that they are easy to maintain for a beginner. most impotantly because they require no special lighting.

which brings me to this: my lfs sells colored lightbulbs. these are the same as normal ones, but they have a tinted exterior(blue, red, etc..). im assumin since they are the same wattage as my current normal bulbs they are okay to use.. but im posting to make sure- will these negatively affect (slow growth/kill) java moss?

wont kill the plant, but will bother any fish and slow the growth (or kill)of most other plants that can stay under such low lighting
The javas are the only ones i plan on adding, that's okay. Maybe some java ferns too, but they'd be okay if the moss was. I had pink/red lights and it never seemed to bother the fish.

I have to ask why you want blue lights over the tank, wont it make the tank blue? Anyway, java moss is very hardy, but it can be killed and the coloured filters are likely to reduce the total amount of light getting to the plants as they'll filter out all but the blue wavelenghts so would think that even java moss might struggle.

Yes- thet color the tank. It looks pretty cool actually. By the sounds of it ill be sticking to regular lighting though.
colored lightbulbs... if you talking about what I am thinking about.. are more for cosmetic reasons. I wouldn't use them because they are no good for your plants. Just stick with your regular lighting.

and what is the wattage on your bulbs now? and how big is your tank?

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