Corydoras Question..


Fish Crazy
Jan 16, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Due to an ammonia issue I lost the majority of the fish in my ten gallon tank. As it stabilizes i'll be buying new stock. Unfortunately, ive had bad luck with cories and only have one left. If I dont buy her any friends, is she going to be terribly unhappy? (space is restricted in this tank, but I don't want a sad cory..) :sad:

If it's too bad ill just give in and buy more cories.. would buying her one partner be mean to the new fish? Ack!
Hmm, knew that. Guess i'll buy more. They don't all have to be the same kind, do they? I'd like to mix a few different kinds for some color. (mine is albino, im thinking peppered or panda.)
Hmm, knew that. Guess i'll buy more. They don't all have to be the same kind, do they? I'd like to mix a few different kinds for some color. (mine is albino, im thinking peppered or panda.)

Pandas can be quite difficult to keep. Because of their size they are more sensitive than the others. I have two right now and they are different types, but my original cory was happier when its mate was the same variety. I would suggest getting the hardiest you can find if you have problems keeping them. I have a julii and one that lfs owner wasn't sure what it was, but it has a black mask. They get along OK, but my original julii hides more now than when it had another julii as a friend. I'll be adding to my crew in the next couple months when I get a bigger tank (30 gal). Be careful not to overstock, as that will cause water quality problems. Start with 1" per gallon (full grown fish, not the size you buy them) and get that totally stabilized. Then if you want to go a little over that would be OK. You must be very regular with water changes and make sure you are not overfeeding them so there isn't a lot of excess food to raise the ammonia, nitrate, nitrite levels. Hope things go better for you this time around.


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