Adding Rocks To An Aquarium....

Tommy Gunnz

Fish Crazy
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Wisconsin, USA
Hey everyone! I am working on creating a system of caves and what not for my fish and figured out that the rocks I can buy at the LFS aren't really the best bet. So, I collected a bunch from around the house and now I just need to make sure that they are ok for the tank and wont hurt the fish.

They are all relatively clean, I didnt have to dig em up or anything. If I was to boil them, would that help ensure that they wont pollute the water? Should I take any other steps to clean them? And is there anything else I havent thought about before I start in on this project? Since none of the rocks are 'soft' like limestone would be, will they affect my water parameters much?

Thanks in advance!
I always boil mine then add them to the tank. No other tests.. haven't lost a fish to date. I recently bought new rocks at my LFS, because they're polished.

I hear some people on here say that some rocks contain minerals that leech off and are bad.. i believe putting a drop of vinegar on each rock will test this- if it fizzles then the rock is a bad one to add. Someone with more knowledge on this may want to clarify.
The vinegar test establishes whether or not a rock will increase your tank's pH/hardness so it's a good diea to do that. Anything that doesn't fizz is inert and, therefore, should be alright.

Boiling them afterwards will kill off anything alive that could pose a threat.

Just a thought - something I've tried for making caves/rock systems was to mould some (white) clay into the shape(s) I wanted and then ask a friend to fire the structures for me. This kind of DIY has the obvious advantage of ensuring everything is done to your taste and is suitable for your tank. I realy liked how unique the look was and the clay also has the advantage of being inert. Obviously, however, you need suitable clay and someone with a kiln :p
Check out the pinned rock topic (see my sig)
I setup a new tank 6 days ago, and tossed in some nice rocks from the woods where I live. The rocks are a kindof maroon in color, nice looking. Three or four days later I checked the pH, it was at 8.0! The tap water is 6.3, and the rock was the only thing in the tank. As a test, I took one of the rocks and put it in a bucket of tap water, and in 24hrs the pH of the water went from 6.3 to 6.6, so I concluded the rock is raising the pH.

My tank is a small 28g, so I removed the rocks, and bought a resin rock and am planning to use some Malaysian driftwood. These, and some plants later on will do the trick. Natural rocks would've been nice, but too many unknowns I guess.

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