Search results

  1. G


    Go to your local tackle shop and ask for some help/advice on what kind of fishing you want to do and places to fish in your area.
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    Where Can I Get.......

    Where can I get ammonia from in the UK, can you please tell me the product name aswell, thanks.
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    Neon Tetra

    Ok thanks.
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    Neon Tetra

    I have a new 15gal tank, can i cycle it using neon tetras?
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    i think sir minion is right
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    Tff Fantasty Football (soccer) League

    who's leading atm
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    Bacteria Question?

    depends how long you leave it for
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    Are Females More Popular?

    lower temps, 22C is when you get alot of males
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    Best Looking Fish...

    guppys :D
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    Anyone Got Frog Spawn In Their Ponds Yet?

    you can tell what the weathers going to be like from frog spawn, if its on the edge it will be damp and dull, in the middle sunny :D
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    Fantasy Premier League

    done mine 411911
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    Pets At Home

    and stafford and telford
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    Malaysian Trumpet Snails Can They Livein My 2 Gallon Uk

    yes, should be fine how many do you want to put in there?
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    Need Some Silicon Advice

    i just got some for £3.50 from lfs.
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    Platy Fry

    how big are they, i have some in my tank that take any left over flakes and algae and sometimes i put a couple of catfish pellets in and they seem to get some.
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    Well Got My Shelves

    :drool: thats going to be a great set up :D
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    Any Ideas What This Fish Is ?

    gggrrr i've seen one before but just can't think of the name.
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    Chloe, Riley And Megan

    i second the nomination :D
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    Half Gallon Jar Thing For Sister

    shrimp or snail possiblly
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    What Else...

    how about a group of livebearers, some guppys or platys would be good, maybe some dwarf gourami's.
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    Cant Decide On How Many Platys

    i prefer them all the same, but i guess everyone has their own opinions :D
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    Trumpet Snails

    do they breed on their own or do they need 2 of them to breed? thanks
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    Cant Decide On How Many Platys

    that should be fine, just make sure you get them all the same colour a nice group of pletys the same colour looks great.
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    Mixing Livebearers In A Community Tank?

    don't get mollies they will grow to big.
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    Under Gravel Filter Problems

    how big are the stones?
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    Just Been Reading And Found This

    seen it before but its really strange how you can still read it.
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    Weirdest Platy I Have Ever Seen

    she could have been clamping her fins.
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    Check This Out For A Fish Tank

    looks like a giant bi-orb lol
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    When Can You Tell The Sex Of Platy?

    lol, i think its around 6 weeks you can sex them but i'm not sure.
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    Whats Your Most Fav Cold/tropical Fish?

    1. endlers 2. platys 3. guppys 4. corys 5. neons
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    Tank Leaking

    where is it leaking from is there a crack or has the sealent come off or loose or worn etc?
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    When Can You Tell The Sex Of Platy?

    mine are about 1 1/2 months
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    i can see it its a dolfin thing
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    When Can You Tell The Sex Of Platy?

    on mine which are 1cm (there's only 2 of them) they both have the female anal fin not the rod like one of the male.
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    they have :)
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    cammera's broke sorry :(
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    ok thanks for your help :D