

Fish Fanatic
Jan 7, 2006
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my albino cory has suddenly started gettin red spots all over him, is this a bactierial infection, what should i do?
Need to no size of tank in gallons or litres, how many fish and which type, plus water stat in ammonai,nitrite,nitrate, and ph, the spots are they small red pin pricks.
15 gal in with platys and endlers (endlers in there teporarilly), all stats are normal PH is 7.5, there as you described small pin prik pink spots.
Not the writer of this information.
Red spots on skin can be caused by:
Regarding the small red dot, small pinprick like haemorrhages (called petechiae) can be due to a local lesion, a generalised septicaemia or toxaemia caused by acute viral and bacterial infections.
ok thanks i'll quarintine him and treat for bactierial infection.
Don't no your location but you will need an antibiotic, can you isolate the fish.

Ok, good luck
btw do you know if it can spread to other fish in the tank?
Yes if they peck on the body.
I would also recommend some daily water changes on the main tank.
diseased fish released pathogenic bacteria into the water, which in turn infect other fish.

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