Search results

  1. F

    Sunfish & Common Goldfish

    no sunfish and goldfish are not alright together, only huge goldfish and small sunfish will work(goldfish being 10 inches and sunfish being three) if the sunfish is anywhere close to the size of the goldfish the goldfish will be dead in a day or two
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    i have some water milfoil(i think) that was labled at my lps as frill and it is all big and bushy. and now that it has grown up to the surface of the tank the top 1 inch is covered in little strands of green hair alge and lower down some very peculiar(i love big words and dont care if i cant...
  3. F


    i bought a nice tank at a thrift shop and it had a piece of glass to cover the light and the glass is covered with lime i have tried steel wool,exacto knife blades,dish soap, lime off chemicals. and none have worked is there anything that will take offf lime?
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    Guppy Fry

    if a lyretail male and female(pure) had fry would the fry be born with lyretails or normal tails that turned into lyretails? fantail dad has fun with normal store-bought mom, and have fry would the fry be born with fantails or normal that turn into fantails?
  5. F

    Show Me Your Guppies/mollies/plattys

    starfirefly, your platy and guppy look just like mine but my male guppy has a humungo dorsal fin nice pics everyone i can't figure out how to post pics!
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    would an otto eat green hair alge? would it eat my ghost shrimp? would it eat my plands? would it eat snails?
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    would an otto or two go well in with my guppies, would it eat their tails?
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    Java Moss

    hornwort too, it will grow very fast in no light, not the very hard hornwort that you can't bend but the soft-ish stuff. i have a 30 gal and all the light it has is the windows on the door and it grows perfect and healthy so i assume if there is some light it will do fine
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    how do i lower my pj from 7.4 to like 6.2?
  10. F

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!(calling All Experts)

    well i bought three ghost shrimp and when i got home i found one was prego with a whole bunch of eggs, yes i am sure these are eggs they look like aggs and are neer the swimerlets. whow whould i prepare a home for the egg carier? right now they are still in the bag and i am wondering what to do...
  11. F

    Way Too Simple Question

    can hormwort grow roots?
  12. F

    Mosquito Fish

    dude those mosquito fish are the toughest fish alive!(literaly) my friend had one in his little 3 gallon trash bad that he throws his fish trash in and it had survived for like 4 months until he realized that it was in there and so he let him go in the pond where we got him. the only thing i...
  13. F

    Red Fin Rot

    roughly 2 females per male 8 females 4 males(not including 3 4 month old femalesthat are going out) 2 ghost shrimp i leave the light on about from 7 am to 8 pm 15 watt bulb (one of those bar bulb thingys) sorry for posting almost the same thing again(i had a post about this disease earlier)...
  14. F

    I Have Got A Little Tank

    how would i get the volume of a hexagon tall tank?
  15. F

    Red Fin Rot

    ok so i bought some cure for septemia(or something like that) but i am not sure if it will work befause what my fish (guppies)have is something like a red fin rot, like the very end of their tail is bright red and it slowly eats away at their tail.i was told earlier that it is an internal...
  16. F

    Micro Sword

    google it :D
  17. F

    Are Females More Popular?

    since they are only 2 months old i think that it is nearly imposibly to tell because males dont got balls yet fry are not born with and gender that you can tell until about 3 months then you can start to tell males hold their anal fin closer to them as they swim and it evetualy froms to balls...
  18. F

    Plaese Help Before It Dies

    raleigh north carolina (USA)
  19. F

    Plant For Betta Tank

    riccia java moss java fern pellia willow moss fissidens (i am not sure if any of these will look good in with a beta but you can chose)
  20. F

    Plaese Help Before It Dies

    i am working on the thermometer trying to get a new one but i just dont got that much money right now. i also dont have a nitrite kit wich i am also trying to get i will definatly have them by saturday.there are about 11 3\4 grown guppies and about 15 newborn fry wich are comind out today...
  21. F

    Plaese Help Before It Dies

    before anyone thinks i am a total retard i know this is not their natural colouring!!!!! ok so my first guppies that i have in a 10 gal in my room are getting a wierd disease. first the ends of their big tail get fright red(like blood) please note: THIS IS NOT NATURAL COLOUR and it is eating...
  22. F


    i have a guppy that sits in a cave all day and wont come out , the first time he went in there he was hovering a bit off the ground but now he is on the ground and wont come out and will not even eat! what should i do! he is a very cool looking male and i dont want to lose him (he is the biggest...
  23. F

    Plant Pots

    oh gee thanks
  24. F

    Plant Pots

    do plants that are bought in pots actualy need the pot? do they grow better with it? if so anyone know a diy pot?
  25. F

    Qustion About Guppys For Anastasia And Others

    as for the fatness i would say feeders do tend to get a bit fater, i think fancys can hold fry way longer tho
  26. F

    Need Ideas For My 50 Gallon Coz I Am Taking The Tin Foil Barbs Back

    wel this is not very big but i think you would say wow when you saw it a giant school of neons :D
  27. F

    Anacharis Problem

    in my fry tank wich has recently had a gravel change(gravel to sand) and i love the look of anacharis in the tank. now i have noticed that the leafs are turning clear but the plant itself is growing fine but the bottem leafs are turning clear. i have had this problem before with my adult guppy...
  28. F

    I Am So Lucky

    nope not bring whrimp they are about half the size of brine shrimp mabe they are not shrimp at all mabe they are bugs
  29. F

    Guppy Swarms

    buy a carnivorus fish(killi love fry) to eat the little ones up! :devil: or you could not take the fry out and hope they get eaten. or you could offer them to your lfs. just some thunkables
  30. F

    I Am So Lucky

    so i was playing with my friends goats(2 doors down) and i see a stream with tons of cool lokin alge and junk in it, so i go and start poking the cool slimy alge and think,hey, this stuff looks like good guppy food. so me and my friend get some and bring it home and stick it in my guppy tank and...
  31. F

    All Plants No Fish?

    my friend had a growing tank with only 2 guppy fry that he moved out as soon as you could easily see them mut now he has given up that idea. i personaly think it looked terribly but he did not take very good care of it so it looked bad. if you took care of it i bet it would be very nice thing
  32. F


    how many eggs do bettas have? how many hatch on average and survive? does the female lay eggs on ground and male picks them up and puts them in the nest? or does she swim upside down and put eggs in nest?
  33. F

    I Feal Stupid For Asking This

    nonono not right now but she may, if the male stresses her out too much. as for upgrading the tank i dont think that is a option but getting more females is always an option since i have alot of guppies downstairs
  34. F

    I Feal Stupid For Asking This

    i saw the most beautiful pair of fancy guppies, same size, same strand so i had to get them. but i only have a pair, yes, i know i should have 1 male to every 2-3 females. will the male wear her out since there is only one female in a 3 gal tank(standard)? if he does wear her out will she die...
  35. F

    Frill Plant?

    i have frill in my guppy tank, yes i think it is normal for them to nibble at it as my smaller ones love it the older ones not so much tho. as fo a feeder plant i dont think so but goldfish do have loads of fun eating it up and leaving a bare stem. i dont think guppies actualy could eat its...
  36. F

    Tropical FF Pet Peeves

    i hat it when ppl at my lfs ignore my cause im a kid and they thinnk OH THOSE KIDS ARE SOOOO STUPID THEY WONT KNOW IM IGNORING THEM so i gotta go get my mom to get the dumb butt to get a single plant or some crap like that instead of telling a couple what a filter does!
  37. F


    my goldfish are moved now, i found on a web site that killi prefer 67-71 i dont think thats tropical but i will forget what they said
  38. F

    New To Plants

    i have a 10 gal tank in my room it has my first 4 guppy fry and they are soooooo hot (and shiny), but my tank looks bad by its self i have like 5 bucks to use and alot of java moss,hornwort, some willow moss(not some,TONS) some grass like stuff. i would like some micro sword and big driftwood...
  39. F

    Looking For An Oddball

    a nice killifish? goby? sunfish?
  40. F


    will my goldfish eat my golde nder killi eggs(if i get any)? will they be happy eating baby guppies/ flake food? will they feel threatened by my goldfish? 30 gallon tank (long) 0 amonia ph 7.6 2 spawning mops(floating) little current(so spawning mops dont speed around tank) nice size bunch...