Tropical FF Pet Peeves

I have another peeve!

I get really annoyed when people post what they think are great photos of their fish, and get lovely comments that make them glow inside :D , and then one person comes along and asks if your fish has some sort of nasty disease :-( .

Private Messaging is there for a reason, does everything have to be done publicly?
I don't really see a point in the newbie section where all the new members are saying "hi" or something like that I mean whats the point of saying "hi" 15 times to 15 different people ????

Supposed to be so they can introduce themselves, give a little info and be welcomed to the forum properly.

If we use it they way it's meant, we can point people in the right direction for the advice they need straightaway, instead of waiting until they've made a mistake and lost a load of fish.

I think it's a good idea and reckon you should take on your share of newbie duty Durbkat!

Im still waiting for Durbkat to come say hi!! :hyper:
Don't hold your breath. :lol:

Yeah Ami's right I'm to awesome to do that.

Juwel tanks are good it's just the crappy equipment you get with them.
Just thought of another little peeve. I once had a question about a certain fish and asked for some advice or information and was met with a response in the nature of "look it up yourself, do you think you should get help from anyone without having spent four or so hours of doing your own research?" (not a direct quote, but I do not know the right way to punctuate a paraphrase)If I had that kind of time I would not need this wonderful forum or I would have about 5000 posts about nothing, if I am going to be left out in the woods I would rather be out in the woods(hiking, skiing, fishing ect). I believe this forum is here to help those that need help not for some jerk to tell them that they should go figure it out for themselves. :/
i hate the fact that people like to ***** at each other for no reason but to *****. i hate it when neebie asks a question and then everyone and there dad start throwing the weight around making the newbie feel stupid and then theydont come back again.. remember we were all newbies once and im sorry we've all done something wrong at one point I know ive bought fish cause they look nice taken then home and before the week has passed realised that it was a mistake and had to return them...
its cost nothing to be polite and what really gets my goat is when someone asks for advice and you "politly" tell them the information needed and they either totally ignore or start complaining as its not what they wanted to hear... lastly i hate it when people post picture that they have already said are rubbish and are in fact totally unrecognisable and in fact could be the dog down the street ( you know what mean)
kiss kiss
also I also dont like the reply count whats the use of it, just cause you've done loads of replies it doesnt mean you know anything...
i hat it when ppl at my lfs ignore my cause im a kid and they thinnk OH THOSE KIDS ARE SOOOO STUPID THEY WONT KNOW IM IGNORING THEM so i gotta go get my mom to get the dumb butt to get a single plant or some crap like that instead of telling a couple what a filter does!
I dont hate or dislike it, but how many topic do people need to open about blue rams?? Yes, they always eat eggs or they fungass, but come one, google it :rolleyes: (spose I have opened my fair share of them though :lol: )

Oh and comments like "have you ever heard of the search bar?" or even worse, give links to google(!). We were not all raised in caves :sly:

But I don't hate anything, it just makes me laugh, its all good here :)
I imagine I'm not the only one to have experienced this......

Giving a lengthy, well-researched reply to a question and not receiving any response whatsoever. Manners cost nothing but go far in my world.
It annoys me that so few seem to have read this pinned topic

Also the pointless quoting as someone already said, especially quotes with pictures.

Also multiple posts all exactly the same in different topics.

Also questions being asked that have already been asked on the same page.

Does anyone actually read the pinned topics in livebearers as almost every question asked has already been answered

And finally can we have the search button with a neon flashing light round it to make it more obvious.

Rant over :lol:
people who ask "do you like my fish" and then when you reply asking if its got whotespot or wahtever they fit. someone did it know. i said nice pics, has that fish got whitspot and boosh...there saying "or why cant you be polite. i send in pics and only get negative feedback...and no it not whitespot it the flash"
what ever...its whitspot!
and people who ask for advice but never accept it .... eg a person who was keeping rays and an arrowana in a 180l tank. also people who come back complaining bout it. eg someone saying ____ is my friend. be polite...youv upset him, knows hes selling his arowana and getting a smaller one because of you...
I"ll stoke a little more....another one....when a person places a post requesting help for something going wrong with their tank...and someone then uploads 5 or more 1 megabyte photos of their fully mature tank that takes up 10 minutes to scroll thru (unless it's requested or a post your pic thread). HIJACKED. I think if you have a stunning tank, and it's someone elses thread, it's probably better to put a link so that people have the option to check it out, or, just post responses. SH
I hate people who always blame the lfs employee for their problems :sly: Maybe if they actually listened, they would'nt have the problems in the first place.

Yes, i do work in the lfs :/

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