Need Ideas For My 50 Gallon Coz I Am Taking The Tin Foil Barbs Back


Dec 19, 2005
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just got a 50 gallon UK
Got 2 fin foil barbs for it & going to take them back to the shop
so need some stocking ideas
this is what i want
good watch
big ish
you say wow when you walk in the room at the fish
something think like that
would like 2 + fish not just one on its own
i would like to fit my common plec in the my 50 gallon to i feel a bit sorry for it where it is now

any commons , ideas , ect would be great
thanks for looking

What are the dimensions? If it's got a big surface area/footprint you could get some great fish.
its 4 ft long

i would prefer bigger fish for this tank
i got guppies in my other tank :)
scheitmuller metyennis -type of silver dollar when fed frozen foods they have great tail colouring-just don't have any plants and expet to do frequent partial water changes
lace gouramis
Whats the height and width of it? I would recommend 6-8 black widow tetras and 4 small angelfish and then once they get bigger and 2 of them form a pair (become boyfriend and girlfriend) return the other 2 that didn't pair up because most angels that pair up won't tolerate other angels. Also angels get pretty big and look awesome and come in different color varietys and can have that "wow" appearance.
Whats the height and width of it? I would recommend 6-8 black widow tetras and 4 small angelfish and then once they get bigger and 2 of them form a pair (become boyfriend and girlfriend) return the other 2 that didn't pair up because most angels that pair up won't tolerate other angels. Also angels get pretty big and look awesome and come in different color varietys and can have that "wow" appearance.

Durb, what is your obsession with 6-8 BW tetras? In a tank that size, if tetras were chosen, why not go for a school of 20+? It's not as if they're high waste producers....

Hmm, 'show fish'... Umm, depending on tankmates, look into
Earth Eaters (geophagus)

Just look around, there's loads of cichlids that would be nice.
In my 55g I couldn't imagine have 20+ black widow tetras in there 10 seems enough and they seem happy when they can claim there own territory and have plenty of space.
i would say cichlids or perhaps an angelfish only setup or perhaps even a setup with tiger barbs a red tail black shark and your plec

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