Sunfish & Common Goldfish

Yes they r wild caught :( . Here is a post i started that gives you the tanks i have to work with and my problem. I need 2 tanks for tropical so the fish don't eat each other. They need to be heated and in those tanks at the moment there are 5 common goldfish. So either i can leave them in with the tropical fish or i can put them in with the sunfish.

P.S. i've already to the teacher not to ask for sunfish next year as they r wild caught and are under the size limit. (i think that is illegal isn't it) -_-

Also would it be bad to put them back in a lake as they have gone through lots of ammonia spikes and have been introduced to aquarium diseases.
Ok I talked to a Fish and Game officer I know and he said you can put them back into a water way with no worries. The sickness you fine in home aquariums dissapper in the wild due to amount of water per fish. If you can put them where they came from even better.
As to the CGF and Suns you could have a feeding problem due to one type betting the other out for the food.On the other hand the CGF should not be in the warm tank so, its your call. I would rehome one or the other off site (LPS for GF, water way for suns.)
Good luck! What A mess you are trying to fix! :thumbs:
no sunfish and goldfish are not alright together, only huge goldfish and small sunfish will work(goldfish being 10 inches and sunfish being three) if the sunfish is anywhere close to the size of the goldfish the goldfish will be dead in a day or two

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