Qustion About Guppys For Anastasia And Others


Fish Gatherer
Dec 30, 2005
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what is the norm for how long it takes for a female fancy tail guppy to be able to mate and do their bellies usualy become as big as feeder guppys do and one last one if there is a male in there and she has been in there for a month since i bought here she should be pregnant by now right??????
o and would a full grown feeder guppy or a full grown fancy tail female be able to eat 5 week old feeder guppy babies
You mean how old until they can mate? Females can essentially become pregnant at anytime, as long as a developed male is there, but they hardly ever give birth before 3 months. The second question is impossible to answer, as it depends on the size, age, and number of fry the feeder Guppy had, and the size, age, and number of fry the fancy Guppy had. There's no real way to answer that correctly. Usually, yes, though. And yes, she is most likely pregnant by now, provided the ratio is right and she isn't stressed out.

It would depend on how big the fry are. The rule of thumb is when they are too big to fit in the biggest fish's mouth, then they can go with them. And next time, please use the edit button instead of another post, okay? :)
o ok i know thats the rule i was thinking of putting the femals in the 2.5 for when they have guppys they have a bigger place to grow up in then in my breeding boxes and yes i knew that rule i was thinking of something else then decided against it but the problem i have is the feeder guppy just gave birth i think because she is skinny now but she did it when i was gravel vacumming or something because as soon as i am done she is skinny but i can find any fry and the fancytail i dont know when she is due thought it would be by now since i bought here about a month ago but she hasnt had any babies

excuse me for my stupidity i am new at fish in general and especiallly livebearers

all right guys i just went upstairs to my room and my feeder guppy was laying on the ground and just an hour ago she was swimming around i am thinking she died from old age since all the other fish seem fine and the angels just spawned again (right on time) but should i get another female or move the female or male in the 2.5 those are my two options i can think of since he will probably stress him out

need a little help peoples

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