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  1. gayno

    2 Tanks For Sale

    I am in Stourport, Worcestershire. It's around 1 and half hours drive from Leicester. I do travel a lot for work, so there's a chance that with pre-arrangement we could meet halfway or around you, but I can't see more than 3/4 days ahead as to where I will be.
  2. gayno

    2 Tanks For Sale

    Now on eBay:
  3. gayno

    2 Tanks For Sale

    The 30 litre is 18 x 10 x 10 inches
  4. gayno

    2 Tanks For Sale

    Juwel tank has now been sold. 30 litre still available
  5. gayno

    2 Tanks For Sale

  6. gayno

    2 Tanks For Sale

    Hey guys, Due to change in circumstances I'm having to sell both of my tanks. Both have been empty for the last 2 months and now I have to move them on as I'm not in a position to set them up again. First: Juwel Rekord 80 SOLD Second: Generic 30 litre Used as hospital tank, good...
  7. gayno

    I'm Back! Bet No One Remembers Me!

    Thanks for the comments guys. RE: the rocks, I didn't plan that, I just put them there while planting, and when I looked it seemed to work!! I may have to take them out if I get cories though, as there' isn't much floor space with them in place. See, now I look a fool!! I've never used the...
  8. gayno

    I'm Back! Bet No One Remembers Me!

    Well OK you got me.....I've only put some fish food in there for now....remember reading during my first stint it produces ammonia as it breaks down. Haven't got round to getting the ammonia yet!! :P
  9. gayno

    I'm Back! Bet No One Remembers Me!

    Yes indeed.....I can't see any fish in there :P
  10. gayno

    I'm Back! Bet No One Remembers Me!

    Hey guys, I've been off for quite a while, approx 8 months actually. Here's the brief story. In the summer, I was far too busy, and had less and less time for my fish. I'm ashamed to say I didn't water change for over a month and the inevitable happened.......the tank crashed :sad: I lost...
  11. gayno

    Condensation Trays

    Actually, if you use good quality polycarbonate sheet, or Lexan its sometimes called, it is very unlikely to discolour. It's used a lot in greenhouses these days, and it's also a lot clearer than glass
  12. gayno

    Where Can I Buy Those Styrofoam For Fish Tank Base

    I think the Juwel's say this too. But what I want to know is, is there a scientific reason for it? I am to be building a whole new base and frame so the bottom will still be "held together"
  13. gayno

    Where Can I Buy Those Styrofoam For Fish Tank Base

    My base rim isn't stuck on. Its a bit of black plastic that the tank just sits into. I want to take it off, as I'm making my own lid and will be making the base to match. So there will still be about 2 inches of frame around the base of the tank, with the tank sat on a 1 inch thick piece of...
  14. gayno

    Where Can I Buy Those Styrofoam For Fish Tank Base

    Yeah I understand this, but if I were to remove the plastic frame and use poly instead, would that be so bad? This is what I plan to do.
  15. gayno

    Where Can I Buy Those Styrofoam For Fish Tank Base

    Mojo beat me to it! I've found it in my local B&Q store too. I'm reading conflicting views on this thread though. I understand what people are saying about the "grain of sand" on a flat base, but surely this isn't an issue of sat on polystyrene, as the poly would absorb the "grain" and give an...
  16. gayno

    Timber For Hood? Now With Pics!

    Very nice, I'm about to start building mine and this has given me a couple of ideas. Just one question, what saw did you use for cutting the long lengths and keep it straight?
  17. gayno

    Preparing Sand For Use

    Thanks guys, am going out to buy it tomoz!
  18. gayno

    Preparing Sand For Use

    Cheers guys, I best get plenty spare by the sounds of it!!
  19. gayno

    Preparing Sand For Use

    Does the sand being mixed up not flow over the side too??
  20. gayno

    Preparing Sand For Use

    Hey guys Looked everywhere but can't find an answer. How exactly do you wash sand ready for use? Much easier with gravel as you can use a sieve, which will be useless with sand! Cheers Adam
  21. gayno

    Dwarf Puffer Substrate?

    Great thanks, thought it was. Just kids play sand from B&Q can be used??
  22. gayno

    Dwarf Puffer Substrate?

    Hey guys, Question as per title! I've read the pinned topics and unless I'm missing something nothing is stated! (Perhpas just needs adding) Cheers!
  23. gayno

    Birmingham Sea Life Centre Power Cut

    Well according to the story they do have emergency boilers to warm the tanks, but still it's hardly ideal to be out for 24 hours
  24. gayno

    Condensation Problem

    Is it a Juwel? I have the Rekord 80 and I have this problem too, however there is a solution. Go to you LFS and buy some aquarium sealant. Then go to the kitchen and borrow your mum's best clingfilm. That's right, CLINGFILM!! Now waddle over to your tank and remove your lid. It may also be...
  25. gayno

    Birmingham Sea Life Centre Power Cut

    Link to BBC News story Phew, that was a close one!!
  26. gayno

    Stocking Ideas - 30 Litre

    Hey guys, I'm at a loss!! Have got my hands on a small 30l tank but just can't work out what to put in it!! Dimensions 18x10x10 (inches) I was considering Dwarf Puffers, but for that tank could only have 2 and I like my tanks to be quite busy (not have much free space) The tank will be...
  27. gayno

    E Mail To Matt Clarke - Practical Fishkeeping

    Mark, I'd edit your post to remove Matt Clarke's email and telephone, unless he has given you express permission to leave them on there. Adam
  28. gayno

    Fish And The Visable Light Spectrum

    Jules is right you know!!
  29. gayno

    Naughty Naughty

    If you take a look in the sticky thread on Dyed fish, later tonight I will be typing up a letter my MP received from Defra and forwarded on to me, and adding it to the thread. The letter stated that the animal welfare bill would not be the correct way to prosecute LFS from importing and...
  30. gayno

    The Best £12 I Have Spent So Far...

    Fair enough then!! How are they at waste production? As I'm near, if not on, my official stocking limit. Although, my tank is over filtered so a little over won't harm anyone! The current stock survived 8 hours without a filter during a power cut last week. Adam
  31. gayno

    Dyed Fish Sales Not Being Outlawed In Uk

    Hey guys, Just received a second letter from my local MP. Enclosed was a letter addressed to him from Ben Bradshaw of DEFRA. I will type up the letter at a later time, but the general gist of the letter is that the Animal Welfare Bill that is being passed through parliament at the moment will...
  32. gayno

    The Best £12 I Have Spent So Far...

    Will they eat algae from the glass of the tank? I'm stuck between shrimp or Ottos!
  33. gayno

    Electricity Being Cut Off

    The modern ones will last about 15 mins with 4 servers shutting down. You forget that each server consumes around 300W during shut down/high processor activity, so thats nearly 1200W of power needed. A heater and filter consume a very small percentage of that, so that battery will last much...
  34. gayno

    Electricity Being Cut Off

    Thanks for the advice Tolak. My main worry was the bacteria dying off. However, I have overcome the problem with a rather simple solution. I am going to borrow a UPS from work and wire the right connector onto my extension lead, that way when the power goes off, the tank and filter will keep...
  35. gayno

    Electricity Being Cut Off

    Hey guys, Our electricity is being cut off next week between midnight and 8:30am. Just wondering if there's anything I need to do anything for my tank, what makes it worse is that I'm away on holiday at the proposed time, so my parents will be looking after the tank. As much advice as...
  36. gayno

    Amazing Octopus

    I know what you mean! My LFS had an octopus in the once, and my girlfriend called me over to the tank claiming he changed colour. I thought she was having me on at first, but it was amazing! the speed with which they can change their colour is insane!
  37. gayno

    Fish Food

    You should give your fish a varied diet. There are many foods you can get for your fish. Live and frozen are the most popular. Just pop into you LFS and they will have a huge selection!
  38. gayno

    Setting Up A New Tank

    You could put your new filter into your old tank and run it alongside your old filter for a week. This will clone the bacteria colony into your new filter and you will be able to move all of your fish into the new tank straight away. Most will say yes, but remember that experiences differ. I...
  39. gayno

    Dyed Fish Sales Not Being Outlawed In Uk

    Hi all, Just to say that following my email to my MP on Tuesday 7th March, I recieved a typed and hand signed letter (through snail-mail) on Saturday 11th March! He also stated that it may have been too late to add anything into the Bill. Arfie, thanks for the links to help Rachel with her...
  40. gayno

    Tank Cleanout

    Perhaps "Stripping the tank down" was the wrong choice of wording. The gravel needs a huge clean through as there is a lot of old uneaten food in there. As its only a small tank, I cant get through enough gravel in one water change to clear it all out properly, and because of that, it builds up...