Dyed Fish Sales Not Being Outlawed In Uk

You have no idea, this was 10:30pm, it seems he's as sad as the rest of us :lol: Sorry, I meant, he's obviously a very dedicated and enthusiastic man ;)


I have had reply from my local MP through the post and she is saying that the Animal Wellfare Bill is due to be passed through parliament on Tuesday 14th March, that is yesterday.

Her exact words were:

At time of writing, the Animal Welfare Bill is due to complete its passage through the House of Commons on Tuesday 14 March. This means the Bill has been subject to extensive scrutiny and consideration at various different legislative stages, before and after being introduced to Parliament.

So back to me, I think that this will be made illegal from the 14th of March, but she also said in her letter that she will keep me informed in due course. I am waiting for confirmation of this.
Got a letter from the House of Commons today, my MP says that she has 'passed on' my concerns and will get back to me when she has some news :)
Well done guys, did you read the reply I got from Matt Clarke of PFK magazine, it was his article that set me off posting this.

He said defra had said it will not be in the bill this time, but if enough awareness is made of the subject, that it was possible that it may get passed as a law on it's own in the future.

Well so much for the caring Borough of Richmond. No nothing received since I sent the email directly to my MP on the 23rd of Feb :sly:
I wish I could send a letter to my MP but I live in Florida... I did sign the petition though :)

I wish I could send a letter to my MP but I live in Florida... I did sign the petition though :)
Hi all,

Just to say that following my email to my MP on Tuesday 7th March, I recieved a typed and hand signed letter (through snail-mail) on Saturday 11th March! He also stated that it may have been too late to add anything into the Bill.

Arfie, thanks for the links to help Rachel with her protest, however they ran out of time in the seminar and she never got to do her presentation. Maybe next time though.

Well we've made the Practical Fishkeeping Magazine blog this week, you'll need to be signed up to access it, but the article is HERE

If someone with the knowledge that Matt Clarke has, still thinks its worth persuing further, come on guys get hasseling your MP's.

And to the mods/admin, as we now have a link to this forum and this thread from the hobbies leading magazine, is there any chance of a pin or an explanation as to why you can't?

And to the mods/admin, as we now have a link to this forum and this thread from the hobbies leading magazine, is there any chance of a pin or an explanation as to why you can't?

Perhaps they're just not seeing the request :/ Why don't you pm a couple of them ;)
Got a hand-written letter from the secretary of my local MP today and it said that because my local MP is away at the moment she has gone straight to Mr Ben Bradshaw who is the secretary of Environment, Marine and Animal Welfare.

Apparently he is going to raise my concerns in the house of commons and is going to respond to me as soon as the "issues have been addressed".

Hopefully I will also recieve a letter from my local MP.

have emailed my MP :D

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