Birmingham Sea Life Centre Power Cut

the question I had in my head was
why on earth do they not have a generator of thier own for such instances, surely they make enough profit each year to budget for this?
Well according to the story they do have emergency boilers to warm the tanks, but still it's hardly ideal to be out for 24 hours
That is very silly that a large aquarium would not have generators...I would think it's a mere necessity rather than a handy addition for generators in such a large establishment
That is very silly that a large aquarium would not have generators...I would think it's a mere necessity rather than a handy addition for generators in suck a large establishment

I tottaly agree, just show's you proffit outways actual care.... I watched some of the staff nearly in tears as they watched the external amazon lake temps drop drastically and having no way to avoid the near disaster.
The staff really care and adore the aquatic life but its a shame the powers that be (overpaid management dont have the same drive), If you plan to keep such exotic species (and some endangered) you must certainly have an emergency back up "action plan" for such instances.
I find it very hard to believe they don't have some kind of emergency genny there for such an incident. It's all good and well having some for water movement, but without one for heating with outdoor exhibits... This isn't about profits, it's about lack of forethought when planning and building.

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