I just put sand in my aquarium and thought the cleaning would kill me. But it was easy. I took a 10 gallon buck, a kerosene pump plastic that you can buy at walmart / meijer for 2.99 (which i also use for general tank cleanings for the out of the way tank.
But i filled 1/4 of the bucket with sand, then took a gallon of hot water and poured it over it and stired it with a paint stirer and my hand until it was all floating. Then I left it settle for just a couple of minutes and sucked the top layer of water off. I repeated that three times for each bucket of sand and then dumped it in my dry tank, filled it and hardly any cloud or floaters. It took all of 30 minutes to rinse 50 pds of sand and it looks great. I only lost about a small handful from sucking it out with the pump.
When the water got low i tipped the bucket and put my fingers as a spacer under the syphon to keep from sucking up the sand