I'm Back! Bet No One Remembers Me!


Fish Fanatic
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Worcs, UK
Hey guys,

I've been off for quite a while, approx 8 months actually. Here's the brief story.

In the summer, I was far too busy, and had less and less time for my fish. I'm ashamed to say I didn't water change for over a month and the inevitable happened.......the tank crashed :sad: I lost everything, plants and fish.

So I stripped down the tank, cleaned it all up ready, but as I was so busy I decided against setting it up again as I didn't have enough time to dedicate to the regular maintenance required.

So here we are, 6 months down the line and I'm ready to go again!!

I've had to get a new filter pump as the old one wouldn't work, new bogwood and of course new plants.

The tank is currently cycling, and I should be getting my first few fish in around a weeks time.

For now, here's some pics from after I finished setting it up tonight and getting the aquascape just the way I wanted it.

Excuse the pic from camera phone, a proper digital SLR will be used for the real fish pics once the tank is complete B)




My prefered stock will be:

6-8 Neon Tetra
2-3 Panda Cories
2-3 Green Barbs
2 German/Dutch Rams

Many thanks for reading, I hope to become a more active member again now I've got the tank setup!!

Well OK you got me.....I've only put some fish food in there for now....remember reading during my first stint it produces ammonia as it breaks down.

Haven't got round to getting the ammonia yet!! :p
I love the use of rocks. It's hard to combine smooth rocks and flat/rough rocks without looking hodge-podge - you've done it really well and it looks great. When you get it right, like in that tank, it's a beautiful combo. I always seem to stuff it up, I have to pick one sort of rock and stick with it.
Thanks for the comments guys.

RE: the rocks, I didn't plan that, I just put them there while planting, and when I looked it seemed to work!! I may have to take them out if I get cories though, as there' isn't much floor space with them in place.

how would you "see amonia" i honestly want to know, not being sacastic

It's a joke!

See, now I look a fool!! I've never used the ammonia method before, so don't know if it's colourless or not!!

I'm getting some this weekend though!!
Welcome back to fishkeeping, hope it all goes well for you this time. I like the look of the new tank. What fish you thinking of getting?

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