Fish Food


Fish Fanatic
Mar 14, 2006
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ok, so yu may know, but im new to this.... i just wondered, what other food can i feed my fish apart from 'tropical fish flakes'??

i have glowlight teras, harliquins, and dwaft gouramis.... i just wondered if 'flake food' is adequate enough to give these fish all the nutriants etc that they need? should i feed them anything else?

please help someone....

You should give your fish a varied diet. There are many foods you can get for your fish. Live and frozen are the most popular. Just pop into you LFS and they will have a huge selection!
Thats what i though... my LSF told me that flake food is all i need to feed, but i want to give my fish a varity of foods... ill go to my other LFS which seems larger and the staff are more experienced.. ill ask them and hopefully they can help.

I feed flakes most feeds, but twice a week, for one of my two daily feeds, I substitute TetraDelica jellied bloodworm or daphnia or brine shrimp. You can also get frozen stuff. Two-three feeds a week are veggies or fruit: shelled peas, bits of cooked sprout, slivers of apple or pear, spinach etc.

Oh, and I have a weekly fasting day. Today, actually, so I'm getting reproachful glances every time I walk past the tanks.
Hi Tropicarna :)

A good brand of flake food is an excellent basic diet, but there is so much more you can feed to vary their diet and keep them strong and healthy. Live, frozen or freeze dried blackworms, bloodworms or tubifex worms supply additional protein. Algae wafers or spirulina discs will provide them vegetable matter.

Be sure to look at the ingredients in your flake food too. The more expensive brands that are available in most independent lfs are usually worth the difference in cost. :D

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